Saturday, December 3, 2011


I cannot believe that there are still people objecting to Christmas decorations.  Get a life people!

Image if I went to a Buddhist country and objected to their fat, really fat, Buddha.  He does not look like he has been living a simple life.  I do respect his teachings and if others want to worship him that's okay too.

I love the lights of Christmas and seeing my street light up at night.  In this world of darkness we need all the light and beauty that we can use to brighten up the dullness of winter.  I do not think we are putting up a Christmas tree this year, it is just too much effort.  But I will decorate with some lights.

I like Christmas cards that say Merry Christmas not happy holidays or seasons greetings.

As a Christian I need to be refueled by the spirit of love and peace.  The spirit of the living Jesus!
His birth a gift of light that would allow his followers to see a divinity in his humanity.
I have always been drawn to this human Jesus from whom the light of God is revealed.  Jesus is timeless, eternal truth and unconditional love.

Dad and I learned why are hand held phones have blinking lights when Sandra came over to explain it was because there was a message.  I thought our messages went on the answering machine.

There is the Christmas craft fair at the church today but I doubt that I will go but I hope dad will go and have some lunch and meet friends.  I am doing better each day but the energy is not all there.

Jesus really lived and breathed and walked here on this earth.  He was a Jew who lived by the Jewish regulations and celebrations but he brought God down to earth.

The word "God" is a human word and human words cannot describe reality that is beyond human experience.  I admit that I am locked into a certain mindset but am still trying to understand who "God"
is and how He can change the live inside of me with His light.

There are many things I do not understand but am learning to live with.

My brother's card always arrives first and I really like this picture.  Dad had my camera looked at yesterday so maybe my pictures will be a bit clearer but perfection is not my goal.


Anonymous said...

The XMAS lights look great! There are XMAS lights all over the place here in the Cayman Islands and no one objects!!

beth bennett said...




Anonymous said...

It is still weird for me putting up Christmas lights in summer.Our tree goes up today( then prompty comes down if i know Matthew)
cold and windy here today , thats the worse part about melbourne weather 35c one day two days late 13c . Melina on antibiotics now as well , sore ear .

beth bennett said...

It seems the best thing we can wish for us all is to be healthy and safe this year for Christmas.
love mom