Saturday, December 3, 2011


Glory to God in the highest heaven
and on earth peace among those whom he favors.  All of us!
Trying to keep peaceful thoughts in my mind but getting annoyed at myself when I cannot find things; yes I lost the stamps again.  Not sending out to many cards this year.  I did not write a Christmas letter so had extra writing to do in the cards. It seems that whatever I want if I am downstairs then it is upstairs, or the other way around.  Well at least I am getting some exercise.

Visiting with Ken and his troops is anything but peaceful.  They are so busy and happy.  Hope Melina and Ken start feeling better.  It seems like they have the same bugs as we have here.  With so many people travelling the germs travel right along.

Did not feel up to going to the Christmas fair but dad went for a while and came home happy with a pie.  The real thing not like mine.

Peace is something we all want and yet it can be elusive.  Jesus said he came to give us peace, not like the world gives but true inner peace and contentment.  I feel peaceful when I am out walking and at the end of the day is I have done what I had plans to accomplish.

Peace according to Karen Armstrong is large enough to contain apparent contradictions, such as sorrow' hope and joy, according to the article by Douglas Todd in the Van. Sun.

He also writes:
"Peace remains central to the three major Western religions."

"Peace is more than the absence of war it is the pursuit of justice."

So I would conclude that peace is a gift to be received by faith and that peace can come if we try to understand each other a little better and work for peace in this time of violence.  Much like the days when Jesus was born.

So much of life is silent prayer.


Anonymous said...

We put up the Christmas tree yesterday . Starting to feel like Christmas now. Parking at the mall is so unpeaceful. Good to hear dad got a real pie .

Anonymous said...

We got our tree today too but it is only out in the back yard, I dont like the clutter of a tree in the house since our living room is so small, though I will have to bring it in sooner or later. Sandra