Thursday, December 30, 2010


So thankful that we have survived yet another year and we have much to look forward to in the New Year

Went to visit Rosanna with a small dish of homemade chocolates and came home with a huge box of chocolates.  She is always giving me things.  She was leaving to go back to her apartment in New Westminster as she really wanted to start the New Year there.  I am her only friend here and her family is always too busy to visit her much.

Then Mike came with his son Michael with two boxes of chocolates and we had a good visit.  Both the boys where very happy and excited going downtown Vancouver to go shopping and spend the night.

Larry also bought two big chocolate bars at the Safeway which he said were on sale.

Had a big rest today and just ignored my mess. 

Success at last dad liked the smell of my cooking which does not happen often.  Now we have full tummies and are sitting reading.

Maybe this is a good time to reflex on what we do believe.
I believe in being passionate about what I choose to believe!

I believe in love.

I believe for looking for the good in others.

I believe there is a longing deep in our souls for life to have meaning and purpose.

I believe in laughter

I believe that to believe is not any easy thing especially when our very belief demands action but the rewards and benefits are astronomical !

I believe in miracles.  I believe in angels.  I believe in the Holy Spirit!
I believe in goodness and kindness and faithfulness and compassion.

I believe in ancient wisdom that contains the truth which we are all searching for.
I believe that the weak can become stronger.
 and that one can gain all the riches in this world and lose their soul.

I believe that their is a still small voice that communicates with us.
I believe in dreams and dreamers.
I believe in healing through medicine and through prayer and through Love.
I believe in New Beginnings!

Yes, I am a believer who is trusting in Jesus, and trying to follow his ways.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You have just written your creed.Great ending for the old year and the beginning of a new one."And the people all said Amen Amen and the people all said Amen. Love, Jane.