Monday, December 6, 2010


It is beginning to look like Christmas as more and more lights appear on our street.  Christmas cards are arriving in the mail and I wonder if there will be a time when we do not use the mail at all.  I like my mailman a lot, he is a good guy.

I spent the afternoon looking for a cheque that had come in the mail which was not in the place where I was sure I had put it.  Very distressing.  Rosanna my neighbor asked me over so that took my mind off it for awhile.  I found it just as I was getting ready for bed.  I feel like the day was wasted going through papers and drawers etc.

Today I will be shopping for groceries after the cheque gets deposited.

"Believe that miracles happen and that they can change your life.
Believe that you have an angel by your side to help you through
and believe anything is possible at Christmas."  Jennifer Lewis-Hall

Christmas means so many different things to people.  For many it is the partying and lavish decorating and for me it is family and church and giving to those less fortunate. 


Anonymous said...

It must mean that those papers needed to gone through anyways. I do find those small set backs very frustrating though and can really set my mood for the day.

Anonymous said...

What a wise comment.