Thursday, December 19, 2013


Yes that is the first time I forgot to press publish. A first time for everything.  Yes, I tried the walker but ended up carrying it too.  It is funny how the things you used to do become more difficult and getting up after falling is very hard.

Dad drove me to the home just to be on the safe side.  Jim, cranky pants sits by the window on the second floor and watches for me to come.  He of course noticed Larry who did not come up with me and right away wondered where he was.  He wanted to show him some pictures of the Helicopters he had flown.  He had already shown me but of course they would mean a lot more to Larry.  I went down to get him and he was sitting with my group chatting away and actually met some one who knew an old friend of his.  Sure enough Larry was impressed by the pictures.

The activity worker gave me a big hug as we left and some chocolates, a fruit cake and some nice warm gloves.  I

Eguinimity is  a new word for me and for my spell checker!

An inner balance that helps us accept things as they are and overcome disappointments and failures.  I am amazed at the strength that others have in coping with sickness and grief.
I am not meaning a stiff upper lip or those  people who seem to go through life
just not feeling the pain.

I see bravery in facing what needs to be faced and allowing healing to come.

I think it was a good thing dad went with me yesterday as it meant a lot to Jim.  Probably the best Christmas present he could wish for to share his love of his planes with an old buddy.  Too bad they are both, especially Jim so hard of hearing.

Pleased to have a short visit with Carol on her way home from work.  They are putting new roads in and is making her drive more confusing.  If Ave 17 is already Ave 17 why change it to 17A and make the new one 17 Ave. 

Today I will try a short walk.  Then dad and I are off to visit Vera and allow her to have a short break as a care giver.

                   It is snowing!   Yes I took a very short walk, very carefully!


Sandra said...

I have not been out for my walk yet but will leave in a moment. My friend from work died on Monday. Less then 3 months from when he got his diagnosis. All the changes on the roads down there are very confusing right now, but I am so excited for my drive come the new year when they are all open. Sandra

beth bennett said...

So many people dies at Christmas. Very sad.

Life is so precious.

Carol is off to Chilliwack I think. And you have the day off. Our neighbor Colleen is cleaning off our drive.

Dad is just waking up!

love mom

Shandel said...

Sorry to hear Sandy about your friend from work. :( it is a hard time of year for people to leave this earth. But it is a honor to know people. We are working on plans to celebrate my grandmothers beautiful life. So many happy memories and that is what i choose to keep close to my heart.

Theresa said...

I am sorry to hear about your friend at work Sandy. Very sad.

Mom is not coming to Chilliwack because of the snow. She is delivering hampers in Surrey though.

Working in schools, I definitely have a new appreciation of Christmas as well as the difficulty and sadness that the holidays can bring.

Ben has been asked to sing at the church that he had the kereoke contest. So I think this Sunday that is where we will be.

Take care of yourselves.


nancy-Lou said...

Somehow I knew that walker was going to get carried! You are quite a lady, Beth....amazing in your faith and your love of your family. Perhaps a little bit stubborn too? LOL. You always bring me a chuckle.

I saw lots of snow on the morning news...Vancouver GLobal TV....maybe you will have a white Christmas? Or will the rain come and wash it all away? Christmas Eve is going to be stormy, especially for those travelling.

We had to leave early to go to Winnipeg, So just getting to read your blog now. Sure glad we don't have to shop again....the stores were nuts. This year we donated money to the Salvation Army rather than buy gifts for family. Our gift will be sharing Christmas supper together.

Love to you both,Nancy

beth bennett said...

Yes we are aware of the poor and homeless this year too. Have a safe journey.
love beth