Saturday, December 14, 2013



Yes I have no doubt that children enter this world to confound us and delight us.  Here I am listening to Kim and Morgan entertain me.
Ben posses by the snow man he has created.  He is growing up in so many ways and really surprised us by learning the guitar for their  concert.

                                         What a lovely smile even with missing teeth.
Ben wonders why he is getting his picture taken peeling potatoes. He really does a good job of it.  Other times he seems to know he is might to be asked to do something and he disappears.  He later manages to slip downstairs to watch T.V. but sits in the dog's chair where he is not allowed to sit, the dog that is.

When I was walking to the door of the library a young lad about Morgan’s age came bursting out talking  extremely loud.  His mom looked at me laughing because she had said he could use his outside voice once he got outside so he did.  HE SURE DID!

My day began yesterday not with  walking but with moving washer and dryer around and cleaning out cupboards.  It was good to get it done but I was tired after.  Dad said the smell was gone so I was thankful for that.

We dropped stuff off at the box where you put used clothes etc.  I am trying to unclutter as I know what a job it can be in the future.

Kim is bring Haiti her day to stay here for about four days when the other grandparents Ron and Dona come to stay.  They live on the island and would not be happy to sit in Haiti’s  favorite chair and find themselves covered with dog hair.

Kim will be busy cleaning the basement up before they come as this is where she and Haiti hang out.  Haiti will sleep in our spare bedroom and when I put her in there I say “no sleeping on the bed” but I am sure she does as soon as I close the door.

Kim gets me more water to drink as Theresa finishes up getting some food for us.  Great grandchildren  We are very blessed.

Missed my walk yesterday but not today.  I think it is a bit warmer.

Then waiting for Haiti, the dog, to arrive.

Rick is flying off to England today.  His trip is all planned.  The last part  will be in Newton By  The Sea.


Shandel said...

Such wonderful photos! thank you again for sharing. It really makes me want to live real close to you all.
You guys all keep very busy and so such fun stuff. Thankfully, mother nature is warming up our climate over here and we can go for longer walks. Cameron and I have one more week of working and teaching classes left before our Christmas Holidays. We are very much looking forward to it all. Big hugs your way, PS we received your Xmas card last week and i totally forgot to thank you!!

Sandra said...

I wish I did not have to work so I could be a part of all of the fun too! Heading out Christmas shopping today. Wish me luck. Sandra

beth bennett said...

I am not doing a good job here. I seem to be busy during the day and too tired at night and half asleep in the morning.

Dad and I do not like shopping.

The Christmas concert is on at Colebrook and should be great fun with a lot of two and three yea olds. Let me know if you are interested in coming.

love mom