Monday, December 30, 2013


It is wonderful when the flame burns bright creating warmth and joy' we all have a light within us.
   Today I realized that once again I had made a mistake and felt sick about it.  The flame burnt so low it almost went out.

I met my friend Joanne on my early morning walk who always tells the funniest stories even as she struggles with poor health.  The message at church was all about joy.  Joy that is different than happiness, which you have to work at, but it is  moments when you feel an inner joy that can come so unexpectedly and fill your inner soul.
   Joy through living.
Joy through art, or music, or nature.
Joy of giving and receiving.

Pat and John came home from church with us for a little bit to eat and as I was showing them Shawna’s  calendar she had created with all the lovely family pictures, I remembered the pictures Craig had handed to me at the Christmas dinner of their wedding.  I stood  up excited to go and find them;  then I realized I had not brought them home with me.

My joyfulness was completely shattered and I was worried and miserable.  Sandra said some one had found them and she did not know what had happened to them.
I am reminded of my humanness and that I am again reminded not only of my brokenness but of my need of grace and forgiveness.  I was careless and I do not want Craig or Leah to think I did not value and appreciate their pictures they so kindly brought us.

I hope they turn up or they can be returned.

If we are to be redeemed or if our candle is to burn brightly again it is often without our own effort but by the faithfulness of God.  One does what one can and then releases it.



Sandra said...

I go back to work today, I am so excited for the drive. I hope I dont get lost as I can not really see signs all that well and I wont have Stephen with me to tell me where to turn. It is good to see that Kimberly has your pictures. Now you can stop worrying. Sandra

beth bennett said...

So all you need to enjoy going to work is a new road to travel each day!
Yes I was very upset yesterday because I feel like I am getting an old age brain.
Have a good drive. love mom

nancy-Lou said...

AHHH Beth, I hear what you are saying...being forgetful is upsetting, for sure. Have you talked to your doctor about it? There are medications they can prescribe that are helpful. You are such a remarkable lady always caring for others and so hard on yourself. Be kind to are a wonderful lady..just look at the blog you are so faithful to!You do so many things!
If you want to talk you can always email me at
I am a good listener1

I am just in the early stages of doing some paintings of my granddaughter...she really is beautiful. They will be out of the box paintings..hopefully catching her "essence". She will be 20 soon.

Take care and remember you are a remarkable lady!
Love, Nancy

craig decraene said...

Grandma, kim grabbed them. We do not have any ill will feeling towards you, I lose things all the time. No biggie deal. And if they aren't recovered we can always give you more. No hard feelings at all.

Anonymous said...

Glad you found your photos.