Thursday, December 26, 2013



Somewhere the old story is being told again and again, for some it is an old tale but for some you realize the message is to just let yourself be loved.  As we receive and give to each other warm greetings we are reminded of the deep meaning of family.
There are now new discoveries being made about the life of Jesus who may have been well-to-do but choose to live a simple life so that everyone will know the greatest gift is one of intimacy.
Yes we enjoyed Christmas day with our loving happy family.  We sang songs and played games and had a gift exchange.

But nothing is always perfect.  Randy had a back fall in the bath tub trying to fix some mirrors,  Kim was feeling miserable with her cold and Theresa had laryngitis,  baby Lincoln was not his usual happy self happy self and had to be carried around and still he was fussy.

It was good to see Christopher turn up at a family affair as it has been a long time.

It is a joy just to be together. with the beautiful tree, and lovely table settings and roaring fire place and tons of food, from healthy to rich and decadent.

Boxing day will be quiet for us but Carol and Kim are meeting old friends from the Caymans and others are going to an Open House.  I will be happy reading and having a quiet day.

All the presents have been opened and food has been shared and many hands have help. Joy  overshadows our sadness for a moment in time.

 Somewhere the love still lights our way


nancy-Lou said...

Interesting thoughts about Jesus coming from a well to do family. Much as St Francis did. I love St Francis and keep one of his books at my read for inspiration and guidance to his way of life.
Glad to hear you all had a nice Christmas seems to always have a few trials and tribulations doesn't it? We too had a Granddaughter ill and unable to come and my sons's dog, ( whom I was looking after ) choked badly on a doggie treat...blood poured out on her legs and paws...but thankfully she spat it out. It was a pretty scary few moments though and Grandma (me) had to have a glass of sherry to calm her nerves. I rarely take a drink! So there you go...Christmas was otherwise very good. Lots stories and laughter. No pictures though to share.
we too, look forward to a quiet day, but often this is a visiting day, so we could have folks dropping in. You received some interesting looking books Beth...lovely gifts! Have a good day, Love, Nancy

Sandra said...

We left Shawna and Link at home and went out for at quick visit to Susan and Keiths. It was getting busy as we left. Quiet night at home tonight watching a movie then to bed early. Sandra

Anonymous said...

Hope you feeling ok .Melina not too well with headache and nausea.
will be a long day for her with me at work . Going to be 40C tomorrow ,then late afternoon cool change will come through dropping temps to high teens .

craig decraene said...

Hi, hope all is well.