Monday, December 23, 2013


PC220156"Come on dad it is time to get up and drive to
Chilliwack  to hear Ben sing his solo in church today.

Before we knew it Carol and Pentali arrived at the door and all piled into our car.  Prntali was explaining to dad about his success on Twitter  His talk had gone world wide and will be a new way of communicating for him.

The road was clear and we arrived even a bit early due to dad's good driving and ignoring my directions.
Ben did an excellent voice singing a Christmas song.

                                                               .A very happy family
A happy grandma

A time for a group picture, each one so precious in their own way.
We arrive at Randy and Sandra’s just as Lincoln wakes up.  He looks at grandpa and wonders who he is.  Every little sound music to our ears.  He is very bright and active.!

Lincoln is hungry so it is time for hiding under the blanket.

                                             .He sits happily with Panteli
Carol talks to Stephen

                            Dad Stephen enjoys Randy’s new chair with Lincoln
A happy loving couple

Grama Sandra has dressed him up in his elf suit.  Dad should have taken his camera but you get the idea of our wonderful day spending listening and talking!  A wonderful Sunday!

What a precious gift each one of them is to both dad and I!


Sandra said...

It worked out well you being able to see Ben sing and stop off and see us. It was a long day so Randy and I went to bed before the rest of the family. I forgot to ask how your leg is doing? Sandra

Anonymous said...

It was great seeing everyone on Sunday, starting with Theresa and family in Chilliwack, theen ending up at Sandra's on Sunday. A great way to kick-start XMAS! :)

beth bennett said...

Well my leg does ache a little but much improved. Thank you for coffee and goodies.
Love mom

nancy-Lou said...

Lovely pictures of your family, Beth.
I do have a question did you manage to get the halo on your head in the group picture? Well, you do deserve a halo! You all look very happy and you must be proud of Ben, standing up in front of everyone, singing. What did he sing?
I was practicing for the Christmas Eve service...I am playing 9 Christmas carols. I think the people will be all sung our after all that. Not my choice..I think there should be less because the children sing some songs and the story is read. It may be too long. I don't mind the playing part...have done that for 40 years. Have a wonderful Christmas EVe day tomorrow, Love Nancy