Tuesday, December 31, 2013


The most important thing about Christmas is the relationships that are a part of our lives.      

I spent time with many delightful people who bring joy into my life.

A big black Cadillac car arrived to pick us up just a  after one yesterday.  (Dad got home just in time from his walk.)  I was really happy to be sitting in the back with Lincoln and his mom.  Lincoln looks so cute sitting in his own little car seat but he was too tired to entertain us so he had a sleep.  Dad and I are so thankful to get to know him even for these few days.  Stephen and Shawna are so calming to be around and take good care of us and Lincoln. 

We drove around trying to find a place to eat and we ended up in a family friendly place with another baby beside us and one behind.  They were all very good.  I love every minute I get to hold him.  His little head so soft and cuddly on my shoulder.  I have certainly held a lot of little ones over the years and been blessed by each one.

 Lincoln decided he needed to eat before his mom and then his dad could hold him while she ate her lunch.  Yes moms do learn to eat cold food.  He may little gentle sounds talking to his mom on the way home I was happy just to enjoy them both.

When we got back home the children in the neighborhood were playing road hockey .  It won't be long before Stephen and Lincoln will be doing the same.

It is amazing how down I can feel one day and then on the next day a little extra loving really picks me up.!  !  !

"The whole purpose of the Bible it seems to me, is to convince people to set the written word aside in order to become living words in the world for God's sake."  Barbara Brown Taylor   Amen!

Jesus was born to bring us into a loving relationship with God!


Sandra said...

No pictures? Yes, it is so nice to spend time with babies, and even better being the grama, as I always knew it would be. Planning the next visit in May already! Sandra

beth bennett said...

I try to correct something and the pictures disappeared.
Yes, I knew you would agree.
Are you working today at work or at home?
See you about 4?
love mom

Anonymous said...

Hot last night , everyone came over for a BBQ on New Year's Eve . Kids had great fun on the trampoline and on the blow up Castle ( sans water ). The kids all asleep about 2am. Happy New Years.

nancy-Lou said...

Good to hear you are feeling cheery!
Babies have a wonderful way of making us feel so happy don't they? Lincoln sounds like a real charmer.He is one sturdy little fellow.

The outdoor temperature was -39 at dawn this morning. -51 with wind chill. It is 1:30 now and it is -31 with the sun shining on it! Our water pump decided to not shut off last night...so I had to manually shut it off and get up every two hours to turn it on and run some water through the lines from the well to the pump or the lines would freeze, That is big trouble...so the call is in for the plumber.
Sorry your pictures didnt make it to the blog...sometimes these computers can be frustrating.
I just fed the birds and took out water for them..we have a heated bowl and inweather like this the seam rises off it and the birds gather around for warmth. The darned deer play havoc with it though when they drink from it and knock it cockeyed. Love, Nancy

beth bennett said...

Nancy what a miserable thing to happen with your water pump. Hope it got fixed to-day.
Love to hear your news. We all live in such different climates!
love beth