Saturday, December 7, 2013



                                                  " Advent is made of the moments.
                                                        the slow unfurling of grace”

Special moments with our family.

My pictures not always clear but they still tell a story,

 "Out of that stump, and as we climb the ladder, we will be floating on the inconceivable.  Christ comes small and will eventually be the one that whispers to each one of us, you and me, Seek Me."  Right where I am right now in the quiet of the morning He comes again to remind us to spend our attention on the little, the least, the vulnerable, the lonely and the lost!

Small acts of kindness.

"In the silence of a midwinter dark, there is a far off sound so faint that for all you can tell it may be only the sound of silence."   -Fredrick Buechner.

The  inconceivable awareness of our heart beating and each breath we take is Advent.  The fragrance of Christmas is pine branches and scented  candles and logs burning in the fireplace, the laughter of family and friends enjoying time together.

In the beginning the Spirit of God hovering over the surface of the waters said "Let there be Light,"
The voice speaks and says let there be light and  let there be land and living beasts, and day and night and human beings. 

"His breath breathing life into all of us.  From the dust of the earth and the joy of heaven I am flesh and I am spirit."   -  Ann Voskam

The beginning of a Love Story.

His love is forever!

Dad and I did all our errands yesterday and even got dad a new suit at Talize which he has not tried on yet.  The nice thing is that he can return it.  There was a man begging outside of London Drugs I thing is my hobo.  He seems like a very nice chap, but can you imagine sleeping on some cardboard in this cold weather. 

Both is us were very tired for some reason and had naps.  After which I visited Gundy who answers all phone calls and gets requests etc.  I reminded her just to say no no no.  People who are sales people know the right questions to ask so you get sucked into things you do not need or want.
Today I need to do shopping especially for fresh vegetables I am thankful I can walk over.

I am going walking and it is cold!



Sandra said...

I will walk this morning as well. The dogs will rebel if I try and get out of the house later with having taken them first. Sandra

Shandel said...

Stay warm Gramma! Daisy and i have to watch how long we walk these past couple of days. We have been colder here in Edmonton and surrounding areas then they are in the North Pole!!! how crazy is that. I feel so bad for Cameron having to work out side. He is so cold and tired when he gets home. I am going to make some hot coffee and a meal to be ready so he can warm up. It has gotten to about -43 with the windchill. brrrr

great photos! as always thank you for sharing

Anonymous said...

Yes we should not complain. It is quite nice when the sun comes out but I just cannot wait for it.
Cameron will really appreciate a warm meal and a loving wife.
love grama

Anonymous said...

Yes we should not complain. It is quite nice when the sun comes out but I just cannot wait for it.
Cameron will really appreciate a warm meal and a loving wife.
love grama

nancy-Lou said...

Nice family pictures Beth. What is the picture of the angel, a card or something at church? Very pretty angel.
The high temperature here was -24. Overnight will be -32 with windchills -42. I feel sorry for Cameron having to work outdoors in such cold weather... my son Mark has been roofing, but not today. I don't know how they can stand the cold.
I feel sorry for the wild birds and deer too...the deer were shivering and stamping their feet and the poor little chickadees...bright as ever saying chickadee chickadee, thank-you for the peanuts and seeds. Stay warm,
Love Nancy

Anonymous said...

Burr .ken