Saturday, December 21, 2013


I woke up to a world of snowy beauty.
DSCN1792The snow is hard on the branches and new buds and the birds and wild  creatures so that is the sad part and like Nancy and Sandra must remember to feed them.

We had our driveway cleaned three times.
First our neighbor from across the street came over about 8 o'clock.
It kept right on snowing.  Dad put the snow blower together and cleaned it off again
/then later a neighbor and son did the sidewalk all around our house which is a lot of sidewalk as we are on the corner.

Brings back all my childhood memories
Coming home from school all bundled up in my scarf and mitts and long pants I had to change into the skirt when I got to school.  Girls were not allowed to wear slacks.

Rushing home to make sugar cookies and shortbread cookies with mom and helping cut up the fruit for fruit cake.  Mom made the best fruit cake.

We all know this is not the real time of year for the baby Jesus' birth but the early church desperate for converts took over the pagan calendar and rituals as well. but it seems a good time for us in Canada to celebrate Christmas.

When you really believe in Christmas and the light of truth penetrating our hearts and souls then we experience a hope that is enduring no matter where we are and what the weather is like.

A time of year that also can bring sadness like the death of  Shandel's  grandmother.  Our sympathy is with you and all the family.  Also a sad time for Shelia and Bill battling cancer, daughter Jill and grandson Aidan.
Also pray for all the travellers heading home to be with loved ones.  Like Stephan and Shawna and Lincoln on the road here!  Or like Nancy-Lou and family travelling to Winnipeg.

"Give me the Love that lights the way.  The faith that nothing can dismay.
The hope that no disappointment tire.     The passion that will burn like fire."  -Amy Carmichael

Let us remember all our loved ones with each candle we light. 
Those who are with us and those who have passed on.

"Unless you keep passing on the hope the miracle of Christmas dies.

Every candle you light sparks of the dawning of new hope and deeper love for all of life!


Sandra said...

You were up early. I was actually cold last night! Randy had the window wide open and we had the bedroom door closed to have a cat free night and I have the heat vent closed. I had to stay in a little bundle or I would touch the freezing cold sheets. We went for a walk last night to see the neighbours christmas lights. It is funny to be out at night but it is so bright with all of the snow. Sandra

nancy-Lou said...

Did your snow melt? I liked your quotations Beth, Every candle you light sparks the dawning of new hope and deeper love for all of life. I like to think the candle can represent many things in our life...light the light!
I often think that people who have never known our cold winters would never know what the snow sounds like, when you walk outdoors on really cold days..crunch, crunch..or how we have to kick our boots and brush the snow off before we come indoors. Or the absolute stillness on a cold winter's day. Our son, Mark shovelled some snow off our roof and looked like a snowman...he didn't have his hood up and it too was filled with snow!
Your snowy pictures are lovely...really Christmasy.

Well I am off to play for the Community Carol service practice....lot of excited kids and parent will be there. The real service is Christmas eve.

Have a great day, Love Nancy

Shandel said...

thank you gramma for your kind words. Today my dad brought Grandma Sandy home...We prepare for her celebration for after Christmas. I think everyone feels a little bit better now that she is at Peace and in our home. The urn my dad chose is very pretty. They also brought at lot of her things home to hand out to our family. Have a great weekend! i look forward to your photos over the holidays with Stephen, Shawna and Lincoln.

nancy-Lou said...

Shandel, although I don't know you, my heart goes out to you, losing your Grandmother, especially at this time of year. I read your caring and compassionate posts on your Grandmother Beth's blog and think you are wise beyond your old soul! Sending you hugs at this sad time. Nancy

Anonymous said...

hot and muggy here. last early shift tomorrow , up at 2am ,the two days off over Christmas.