Tuesday, April 18, 2023


 Looking at nature always lifts my spirits.  No matter if it is a miserable day cloudy and wet and cold.

I am so pleased that the swelling in my face is going down.  The pain is less,  The redness is fading.  The pills are helping

I also talked to Dr.Nolte today and I am having a complete blood work done to see if my iron is low.  I am still very tired and I hope that can be fixed too,

Spiitual gifts are availavle for any one who reaches out to experience the grace of God.We become people who become passionate, caring, giving and sharing.  Also there is a hunger to know the presence of God and His Love for you ans me,

I find that I am contest just to be content and let life flow on round me.  Always the presence of my children and grndchildren are a great blessing.  Love to talk to Ken too.  He was off to a movie with Melina and Matthew,  He is very proud od Jasmine and her basket ball team being top winners.

Dad is staying up to watch some show.  Spenser and I are off to bed.

I had more to share so maybe I will to-morrow.


Sandra said...

Good to hear your face is doing better, AND that you actually called Dr Nolte.
We are getting 8 wild kittens today, I really hope they are not past the point of taming down quickly.

Ken Bennett said...

I hope your face continues to improve. Enjoy your DVDs.