Saturday, April 8, 2023


 The day is cold and wet but I know it is spring because all the flowers are coming out.  

Met an old friend on my walk with Spenser,  Met another old friend in the afternoon walk at the Park.

The rest of the day was filled in with old friends from the Bible.  Every person in the Biblical story about Jesus and his friends always speaks to me in different ways.  What characters they were,  So full of life just being with Jesus.  He was always teaching them to look at life differently.  Forgive the difficult people and just keep loving them.

Watching the Chosen on T.V. fit right into  my new world,  Lives were changed and the weak becomes strong and the lost becomes found.  Life does have meaning and we all have our purpose.  The truth has the power to set us free if we face up to any false belief.

I phone my brother.  He has fallen and broke his arm.  His son Karl made him go to the doctor.  Btian is concerned about his youngest son Mark who is having a knee operation.  Hopefully our prayers will help him heal.

Brian prayed for the cancer in his neck to go away and it did.  

There is a spiritual world  that waits to be discovered by us all.

I am excited about being with family on Sunday.  I know the room will look beautiful and all the faces will be happy and loving.


Ken Bennett said...

I am glad you were able to watch The Chosen. Tyler has a staff infection in his arms hands and legs. They have done 3 courses of antibiotics to no avail. He has to wait until mid-May to see a specialist.
We had a nice lunch at Melina's. Hope you have a nice day.Hoppy Easter.

Shandel said...

Happy Easter. I hope you are feeling a lot better. We had a very low key weekend and caught up on a lot of sleep. We are getting ready to start looking at homes in person. Hoping to buy and move well before summer. If this go well. I love spring time. It was super warm here today.

Anonymous said...

Oooh dear you are having a cold spring too with lots of rain. We had a foot of snow last week. It has been very cold. But finally warming up. It is supposed to be a blazing hot summer and we are leaving. Moving to Courtenay on the Island. A big decision. We are fed up with the long long cold winters. We sold our house the day after we decided to move. Now looking for one. We have a realtor looking in Courtenay. If he finds something we will fly out.
How are you feeling Beth? How is Larry ? I hope you both are feeling better.
Have a lovely evening.
Love Nancy.