Sunday, April 30, 2023



Watching flowers grow.

Today is Sunday.  I am not in church but I will walk with Jesus

I will do a lot of just watching.

I am watching the little cherry blossoms fall from the ground.
It looks like it is snowing.

I watch two raccons come and play n our pond.

I watch the squirrel trying to get into the bird feeder.

Spenser and I have our early morning walk.

I  will watch the Chosen  and eat skinny popcorn.

I will watch Sandra if she comes to work on tghe pond,

Right down we are waiting to see Carol.
Her car broke down and she is taking it to the garage and hopes to get a ride here.

It is cool today and it is suppose to rain hard.


Ken Bennett said...

I am watching the Hockey, sorry not sorry to see Boston loose in overtime.

Sandra said...

Fingers crossed the work Randy and I did improves the pond a little. It really would be nice to clean it all out and start fresh since the water is so dirty.
