Friday, April 7, 2023


                                                    The duck is back

Rick saw it early Thruday morning.  The duck that is.

We appreciate that he comes to put out the garbage and then over to the store.  We always seem to need something.

Rick is drivimg Carol and Penteli to the airport this morning.  How exciting for them to see Kim and Hamlet and Alba.

 I amnot feeling good but will walk Spenser for a short walk. 

I have just read the story about Jesus and his death nd ressurrection.  It is such a moving story.  I am thankful that scripture promises that our sins can be and  be forgiven and a new life is waiting for us,


Ken Bennett said...

I stayed home yesterday because my stomach was a bit upset. The kids have two weeks off school now. The bad news is the weather, cold and wet.

Sandra said...

I wish that duck would smarten up and find a better place to build a nest. I am not liking this cold wet spring at all. Feels like we are back in February, not April.

Steady-as-rain said...

Actually nice to see the duck again. However, part of the problem is the run-off from the roof, as Dad mentioned, has nowhere to go. It is supposed to go underground, but there is pavement where the run-off water lands. Causing all the water to go downhill towards the road.