Monday, April 10, 2023


 As  I woke up this morning thinking about our time together at Sandy and Randy's I though holidays are really good therapy.

It was cold and miserable as we drove over to their house,  As soon as we entered the house we could fell the warmth and love waiing for us.  As the others arrived there was a lot of love and laughter.  

We were proud of the work that Sandra and Randy had put in to getting ready for us. Sandra had made a roast and yourshire pudding.  What a feast when we added Rick's mashed potatoes and Theresa's salad and Tasha's desert.  Lemon pie and lemon squares from Sandra.  

For me Easter is first about the story of the death and ressurrection of Jesus.

Faith is a simple gift that we can choose to receive.

Embrace the love that surounds us all. whereever we are.

Embrace the love of Jesus who toches our lives with renewed grace and hope.

Chocolate Easter bunnies are good too.  Searching for Easter eggs is exciting for the little ones.

Feeling special is good therapy.


Shandel said...

Glad you all had a lovely get together. Feeling the love is such a wonderful feeling.

Sandra said...

Yes, I like people and hearing about what others are up to. Life can be very boring otherwise.