Friday, April 28, 2023


 The thing is I do not feel very eloquent but I will make an efforft.

Ken I hope your sore throats are getting better.  They can be very painful.

It was like summer here today so we sat out on our front deck and had luch out there.  Laura served us

I started to make an effort to clean out the shed.  I did not get very far.  I will start tomorrow early in the morning when I have a little engery.  Dad promises to help  In fact he says he will do it all.

There is pollen in the air which is making my head hurt and my eyes water,

The flowers are all coming out in bloom,  A lovely time of year,

Thankful Randy and Sandra are coing over to help tomorrow.

Thankful Spenser is getting a hair cut.

 I am watching the Chosen in the mornong before dad gets up.  It is not his thing..


Ken Bennett said...

Sunny but cold here today. Feels like winter. Jasmine has her first basketball game today with her new team. Tyler's skin is improving after seeing a skin specialist.
I am glad you are enjoying the Chosen

Steady-as-rain said...

Yes, it was very pleasant here as well. Except for the sound of the roofers hammering away. And even that was not so bad.

Good Sandra and Randy are coming over.

Sandra said...

Thank you for making the effort mom even if the words are not flowing easily.

Anonymous said...

Beth, you are quite remarkable! Your writing in your blog fir all these years has been uplifting and interesting to your follower. So if the words aren’t there some days, we are fine with that!
We are getting a new dog! Bella, our Wheaton Terrier died in mid February and there is room at the end so we apply to adopt a bichon little girl from a local rescue and we’re very lucky to be chosen to adopt her. Will you meet with her tomorrow and bring her home, so we are very excited. In fact, it’s hard to sleep, she was relinquished by someone who left north to a rescue called beyond. No Before The bridge not beyond the bridge, Lots of laughs. Her name is Myla and she is eight years old and apparently a very sweet little girl. We enjoyed hearing about Spencer and the walks that you go on together. I hope that you and Larry are feeling good and that you have a great day. Lots of love to you both Nancy.

Anonymous said...

Sorry some of this is garbled I used the microphone. Should have read it before publishing.