Friday, May 5, 2023


 Yesterday was not a happy day for me.  Did we all get up on the wrong side of the bed?  I am hoping and praying that today will be better.  We are all very human.  No saints here.Laura'as gramdson tells hedr he cannot be good every day.  Maybe four out of five.

Laura came and had us laughing.  She has funny stories to tell about her grandson and her new puppy.  He is not being good at being trained,  Maybe he will have to go to doggie school.

Yes it was warm in the morning and got colder all day.  I felt the chill of the wind through my jacket and both Spenser and I were glad to gt back home.  I suggested Laura make chicken stew and it was delicious and just what we needed for supper.

The world is still a beautiful place and we can all do better.

Rick had brought dad a newspaper so that made his day.  He quit the daily paper because he believed they could do better  He was not happy with no delivery on Monday,  News is on the T.V. every moment of every day.

Jesus told those he healed to not tell anyone.  Why?  It appears it weas not the right time to stir up those in the better class.  They wanted to get rid of that trouble macker.  Here he is still hanging around with his words of wisdom helping us to do better,.

We are truly blessed to have each other.!

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