Saturday, October 28, 2023

Off To See Dad

 Sandra very kinly offered to drive me to Surrey Memorial Hospital to see Dad today. I am anxious for him to come home soon. Hopefully he can keep his spirits up!

Maureen from the bible study got in touch with me and I will be joining them for the meeting in November. It will be good to see all those old friends!

I am walking better now. Taking the dog out occassionally.   

I am very depressed.  It is so hard to see dad struggling with pain and trying to walk a bit.

I will try to be positive. God is with me and hears my prayers.

Love to you all


No one came to visit except Hillary popped in with a pizza and had a very short visit.

Lovely to see Carol and go for a drive.  The weather is fantastic.

She leaves and Rick has not come to make supper So I went for a walk and talked to two neighbors.

My memory has gotten worse and that worries me.

I am hopeful we can stay in our own home.  I really feel better here.  I can sense dad's presence.


Anonymous said...

I have been missing your blog so I’m glad you are writing again. Sorry to hear Larry is in the hospital. I hope it isn’t anything serious. I think of you often. Take care of each other.

Anonymous said...

Dear Beth, I am so sorry to hear Larry is in hospital and you are depressed. Sometimes life can be difficult. I send you both healing thoughts and hope you are reunited together soon. When I went thru difficult times I had a mantra. This too, shall pass. And it will. Being open to change is important. Makes things a lot easier. Sending hugs and love to you both.