Sunday, July 9, 2017


Dad has been finding his cold and his asthma draining him of his energy.
We decided not to go to church as I had a stomach upset.

The positive creative feelings we receive when we do attend church is the good energy that we feel surrounds us.  I do not need to be focusing on what others may think of me because I know that I am accepted just as I am.

So I miss not going but hopefully next week all will be well.

Religion has the power to create an awareness of the depth and breath and wonder of life.  

There are many things that we experience in our day to day living that drain us of energy.
Especially the news of war and starvation and fires that right now are destroying forest and homes and endangering wild life forced to flee from the danger.

There is a comfort in sharing our pain and our emptiness and our sorrows.  

We stop having to understand it all but sit quietly in the presence of mystery!


Sandra said...

Sorry to hear you and dad are both a bit unwell. Simone and I are currently sharing a sore throat. Do not know for sure who the originator is, but I have my suspicions.

The children have been sleeping OK. Might wake up in the night but are back asleep quickly. Right now almost 7 and they are all still in bed, so taking a chance to catch up on your blog.

We are going to a play town in Richmond today and then Kimberly and I think Hamlet are coming for supper, you are more than welcome.


beth bennett said...

We enjoyed our visit Kim and Mary and you and the children.

Good they seem to be adjusting to time changes as
that can be hard.

Hope everyone gets rid of sore throat bugs!

A lot of work for you all.

Love mom