Tuesday, July 25, 2017


Yes our plans changed.  What can I say it is a hilarious joke among our family when plans often change.  We drove downtown to the Sylvia and had a late lunch on the balcony and even got a bit tanned.
Of course I wanted to cross the street and take a few pictures of the sand and the ocean.
Walking back you have to cross a bike lane first before the pedestrian side walk and I was not looking and almost got run over by a bike.  The funny thing was the man on the bike said it was his birthday when I scolded him for nearly running me down on my birthday.  He was a young 61 and we had a good laugh about it.

My day began with a visit from Cathy and Glen on their motor bikes.  I always thought bikers were tough guys but now I know better.
They had another card for me with loving words to add to my collection.  My day would continue with phone calls from Shawna and Stephen, Shandel, Pat and John, Rick and Carol.  I was glad they left messages as I was not home when some of them phones.

Came home to discover these beautiful flowers on my front door step.  Thanks to Shandel and Cameron.  Very thoughtful.

The traffic was bad going and coming home, but especially on the road home.  It was painful and difficult for dad and no where to turn off so I could take over.  I drive very well in slow traffic and do not change lanes like the dash and daring husband of mine.  Once again we are happy to be home.

My friends have been guessing about my age but now the secret is out that I am really 80.  Dad did not rob the cradle after all.  I think we were both very young to be married and here we are 60 years later.
The one good thing about being older is that I can be more authentic.  Yes I have my good days and my not so good days but I am learning to be happy with both.  I live for each day as it comes along and find blessings in family and friends and faith and Fun!

Love is what really matters and I have felt loved all day long!

"There is an authenticity  you were born with, have lived with, and will die with.  You are simply
wonder-fully you."
Elizabeth Kubler-Ross

Some lessons it takes 80 years to learn!


Sandra said...

Other than the traffic and almost getting run over by a bicyclist sounds like a lovely day.

Will today be a rest day?

I slept in today and so may be late for work. There are two momma cats Nancy-Lou, but they are not very dedicated to the business of feeding their eight kittens so I am just topping them up. Some of the kittens were throwing up because they were gorging and other kittens were getting none.

I called the dealership yesterday and they say a motor was delivered and they think it is mine so I might get my car back pretty soon.


Steady-as-rain said...

The Sylvia is a grand place to celebrate anything.

The bicyclists on that bike path just in front of the Sylvia are dead serious about having the right-of-way as they head towards (or away from) Stanley Park, and I've had a few close calls there myself. But as least it seems as if the chap that almost ran you over stopped, which they mostly don't.

Maybe an early lunch rather than a late one would have made the ride home easier, but that is easy to say now. It is terrible that Dad's feet were bothering him so much he wanted to stop driving.



beth bennett said...

We both felt like having a restful day but dad soon started in painting and working.

I stand by and admire his work.

More flowers arrived from Shawna and Stephen
along with a basket of goodies.

I am amazed!

I thought our day out would be good for dad's feet
but that did not prove to be the case.

Feeling very loved.

Love mom

Carol said...

Yes, you live an amazing life! Full of love and adventure. I think most 25 year olds would envy how much you get around and all the people you hang out with. Carol