Sunday, July 16, 2017


Searching and seeking for happy people.
It was amazing how well the children played together.
A family swimming together.
Daddy is close at hand.
A proud and happy grandpa holds little Ophelia.
Grandpa and Hamlet have a chat.
Two beautiful ladies.

Being mom's has brought our their inner beauty.

                                         Randy on duty again at the barbecue.
                                          Delicious mango chicken
                                         A happy baby and a happy daddy.
                                         Mommy is close by.
                                         Mikie posses for Kim.
                                           Kim takes over camera duty.
A big smile from Mandy
Lots of good food.

Searching for Ben but missed him.
Morgan did not come as she was at a birthday party.

We enjoy another fantastic family gathering with all our different personalities and opinions.

Rick offered to attend church with dad and I but instead we stayed at home to search for our own answers.  A good Biblical discussion which always is helpful for me in my search for truth and a healthy faith in the religion of my choice,

Too soon it is time for Rick to travel first, to Craig and Leah's and then home.


Sandra said...

That is a very nice picture of you and Rick, should print it.

Yesterday was not a good day for Mary. We were up at 4am and off to the airport. When she got to Toronto her luggage was slow to come off the plane, and then she had to take a train to the other side of the airport only to find out her flight to Kingston was cancelled. Very stressful for her. Michael John arranged a flat rate taxi to drive her home, but she got there a lot later then it should have been and of course the kids were very hungry and tired as they never had a chance to get any supper.

We tried to go to the Boathouse in White Rock only to find out there was a bike race going on.

I hope you and dad are feeling better.


beth bennett said...

Yes we are improving.

Love mom

beth bennett said...

How awful for Mary and the children.
Love mom and dad

Shandel said...

Hello Grandma Beth! I am finally remembering to read your blog . I have missed it since my computer crashed. The photos look like it was a wonderful time. How beautiful to see the children play together. Also, I wanted to say thank you for the thoughtful birthday card and note. I am grateful for your and grandpa's kind words. Cameron and I will phone this week and chat. He is off from work and we just got back from camping this weekend.
Happy soon to be birthday to you. July is such a wonderful time to celebrate a birthday.
Chat soon
Love Shandel

beth bennett said...

So nice to hear from you.

Glad to hear you enjoyed camping.

July is a wonderful month to have a birthday
and I so happy to share birthday times with others.

Love to get a call.

Love Grandma Beth