Friday, July 28, 2017


Kim arrived with some gluten free goodies.
Thanks to both her and Hamlet.
I can't believe I ate whole package right away!
She is a very good positive influence on both dad and I.

Dad helped her to put in a new battery that worked until the first place she stopped at the  College.
A quick trip with the right tool got it working again.

Again today my heart was filled with warmth that is positive thoughts watching dad and Kim working on the car together.

Dad also talked to Carol trying to help her with her project.

Rick phoned to say he is coming to-morrow so that is positive news.

Sandra writes on my blog with her words of wisdom which I always appreciate.

Being positive is not always easy for me even though I have a lot to be thankful for and I am so blessed to have positive people in my life affirming me!

Helping others helps.

Prayer helps.


Sandra said...

Just waiting for Mary and the kids to show up on Skype.

I moved some dressers around yesterday which meant emptying all the drawers and going through the contents. I did not get finished.

The kittens are just starting to come out of the bedroom and explore so now I will have pillows at the front hallway probably till they are gone.

I have been thinking of Carol lately, have not caught her on Skype for a while. Is she coming for a visit soon? Any movement on their place selling?

Randy has done two graveyard to days doubles but will be off on Sunday to rest up.


beth bennett said...

I think Carol may be coming in August and Pentali
goes there in Sept.

I think she really misses us all.

No offer on their house yet.

Dad's stomach is bothering him a lot.

He has over done the work on the yard.

It will be good to see our family.

Love mom

Steady-as-rain said...

I'll be leaving Kamloops around 1:00 pm today so should arrive at your place around 5 pm.



nancy-Lou said...

Today is your BIG DAY! Your 80th birthday party. yahoo for Beth! Many Happy Returns Beth and here's to a year filled with good health, happiness and lots of family.

I will look forward to seeing all the photos tomorrow! I think the party is at Sandra's?
Hopefully it is nice so you can have a swim as well.

We have had some extremely hot and humid days...a whole bunch in a row and wouldn't you know it one of our air conditioners wasn't working well. there was a lot of water in it. I figured our the drain was plugged with fish flies and YUP...stinky things that they are. so out came the air conditioner...and the stinky water went all over my floor and under the dresser.
Carl and I just barely managed to lift it out of the window. But I got it all cleaned up and we put it back in...but water got on the electronics so I am not going to turn it on until tomorrow...hopefully it will be dried out by then.
This was a very bad year for the fish would wonder why when the lake is filled with so much algae...including the deadly blue green algae. The beaches were loaded with it when I was teaching art at the summer club.

I am working on a new piece for the big art show next Sunday. It is watercolour on Masa paper, with is a Japanese paper. It is white iris on a turquoise blue background. I just hope it works out because I already told the gallery the name etc...and it isn't finished!

Have a wonderful day today, filled with lots of love,

Love to all,

Sandra said...

I forgot to get pictures of Simone and Sebastien...

beth bennett said...

Sandra I can give you a couple.

Thanks for the beautiful cake

Dad was so pleased to have you all there
to enjoy his efforts in the back mom