Sunday, July 2, 2017


Happy Canada Day!

Dad and I started out the day watching the ceremony from Ottawa.  They were having the rain not us.
It is always good to see so many enthusiastic families having fun celebrating.  I am reminded that am happy to be a happy Canadian.    We are a country made up of many cultures that teach us to be free of prejudices and  no one is better than another as we learn to work and live together.  

Our history has been built on the bravery of the explorers who blazed a trial for the later settlers.  Yes the natives were here first.  We mistreated them and have needed to ask for forgiveness.  The native dancers were very much a part of the ceremonies.

They did a traditional dance which I hoped was not a rain dance.  It had already rained that morning but not here in rainy B.C.

I was brought up by a very proud Englishman who had developed a great love for the native culture and a great love for the outdoors.  He taught a group of senior boy scouts how to make a tent, how to survive in the wilderness and to respect the natives.

Mom, who had experience some negative experiences with the drunken natives in her small town.  She had seen the worse side and this was a picture she always had in her mind.

Mom went along with my dad not understanding but supporting him and the boys who lived at our home by feeding them cookies and cake.  She always welcomed them with a warm smile and a kind heart.

One thing that we can discover is the God of nature that our ancestors felt at one with.

I believe that : "God's love is the power that moves the galaxies and that breathes new life into our bodies"  every day with every experience.  
-Sallie McFaque

Progress has been made in our Canadian history and there still needs  to be more.

Dad has made a lot of progress  in the back yard but his body was aching all over so he needed a rest yesterday.  He had an offer of help from Panteli which was appreciated.

Today we will attend church .  For me faith always seeks understanding to help me progress with compassion and caring.


Sandra said...

I am making progress on getting the house ready, but I find it is kind of like a football game. The first 59 minutes (days) are just the warm up, the real action all seems to happen in the last minutes (days).

There are still shelves to put up and random paint touch ups to do.

Oh, and the grocery shopping!

My grape vine is starting to show signs of life after the shock of the transplant. I guess it will be a matter if enough new leaves grow to get it strong for the winter.


beth bennett said...

Your family is so fortunate to have you and Randy.

It must be just about nearing the last minutes of the game,

Thank you for stopping by and helping with Ophelia.

Dad and I are tired but happy.

Love mom