Saturday, July 8, 2017


I cannot download my pictures although I have tried and tried.

Still it is a special day as it is Rick's birthday.  And here it is 60 years later and dad and I are looking after his grand daughter.  She is bringing great joy to our lives just as Rick did so many ears ago.  It was scary bringing home that little bundle of new life but also some times frustrating when you did not know what they want.  You change them and feed them and try to get them to sleep but they just want to be held and walked around and around.
I remember how hot it was that July morning Rick was born during a hot month of July.

I read some where babies are good for the soul and that is so true.  Dad has not been feeling too good but he is filled with renewed energy when it is time to pick up Ophelia and bring her home to our home.

Life at any stage takes courage and resiliency and willingness to learn and cope with each new challenge.

I believe that we each old the key to our own happiness and our memories are our greatest treasures.

We will phone Rick later today.

We may join Sandra and Mary an the children at the beach.  Plans may change as they often do.

Babies and small children are amazing and seeing life through their eyes restores are wonder at all of life!  I remember picking dandelions and thinking they were so beautiful and feeling so happy to give them to mom.

"It takes the child of God to discover the mystery of the mind of God."

1 comment:

nancy-Lou said...

I think babies give life a "real purpose", don't you? It is an important job looking after them and the rewards are many, including re-newed energy. How wonderful that you and Larry are able to help out with Ophelia's care. You will really get to know her well and visa versa.

sorry your pictures are giving you a hard time. sometimes these computers have a mind of their own.

Isn't it funny how we can remember exactly what the day was like when our babies were born? All those years ago. Mine two were born in May and our second Son was born on my Nana's birthday.

Well on to catch up on the bolgs

Love Nancy