Saturday, July 8, 2017


Fires burning by Ashcroft and people being asked to leave.  It is coming closer to Kamloops and is very smoky at Rick's place.  We wished him a happy birthday and hope and pray he keeps safe.

We are happy to be safe here.

Pictures from yesterday

Caught in the act!
Busy with play dough
Simone is a good little swimmer.

Randy still for a moment
A happy grand daughter


Dad and I may go to the library.


Steady-as-rain said...

Lovely photographs of the active and healthy children. Young children, as I am sure you will agree, seem to give us joy and hope and delight as we almost see the world again anew through their eyes, their experience.

However, I have to confess I might well need a list of names for Mary/Micheal-John's kids, and a list for Stephen and Shawna's kids. :)

I had an extremely quiet day yesterday. Thanks for phoning. I was really not feeling well so just tried to rest. I am feeling slightly better today.

My friend Randy will be stopping in again for the night on Monday on his way back to Edmonton. So I will have to tidy and clean-up a bit.

A little less smoke today, at least so far.



beth bennett said...

Hi Rick,
You did not sound too good yesterday so I am glad you are a bit better today.
Dad has a cough and a cold making him feel tired.
He is resting up from working in the yard.
My stomach is upset so we did not attend church.

Mary and Michael John's children are Simone and Sebastien. I think that is how they spell it.

Shawna and Stephen have two boys Lincoln and Seely.

A quiet day for us.

Love mom

nancy-Lou said...

my goodness just look at those beautiful children! And the parents too.
The kids look so happy with all the things they have to play with at their Grandma and Grandpa's home. It looks like nice weather too.

I am sorry to hear that Larry is feeling poorly with a cough and cold. This is such a bad time to come with that. Feel better soon Larry and be sure to drink lots of liquids. Flush those bugs out.

Sorry too, to hear that Rick is not feeling well...I send you healing thoughts too.

And Beth, you had an upset tummy...oh boy those darned bugs are getting around aren't they? Feel better soon too.

We are fine here. There doesn't seem to be many bugs around our neck of the woods, thank goodness. it seems the bugs tend to come out when we are in groups and hopefully my watercolour classes will stay healthy. I have a large class this coming Thursday and will have to go into the city to buy more art supplies...darn. I would have thought more folks would have their own stuff.

We are eating Swiss Chard and beets, along with herbs from our garden. soon there will be tomatoes and cucumbers and zucchini which I think I will be over run with! Oh well I can sell them. same as tomatoes, I mean how many tomatoes can one eat in a day, right?

We had the silver fox run through the yard at dusk, last night. He or she is quite spectacular......With a black nose and long black stockings and beautiful greys and whites. I hear them barking during the night quite often. they have a distinctive bark. One wonders why they are barking...I was thinking perhaps the mother is trying to contact her young. i think they may have left their den already.

The poor bear was down in the cottage area by the bakeshop last evening and I am hoping they didn't shoot him...he is harmless...just wanders through the yards looking for food. he would be a cub from 2 years ago...the mother's run them off in May once they are ready for breeding again. They have a cub(s) every two years.

How is Ben doing these days? I don't hear about he or Morgan much lately...must check out Theresa's facebook page.

Has Haiti been over to visit you lately and did you take her for some walks?

My two muttskies like to go out on the lead and look for gophers and chipmunks, but one of us has to go out with them because they get tangled up very quickly and could choke. We have many little squirrels, chipmunks and gophers around...babies that are growing up quickly. The chipmunks will let me feed them from my hand. That didn't take long!

The cottagers are out in droves....which really is nice to see as it only happens for the two summer months. Our son is busy driving taxis after working all day as a carpenter. He likes it and enjoys meeting people.

Carl received the date for his contrast die scan and it is Wednesday next week...which is good because it isn't on my watercolour teaching day, thursday! Hopefully they will get to the bottom of what is wrong. AND it isn't at 7am...1pm. Great time.

Sooo that is my news. Nice to see all the photos of the kids, Beth. Each one is a beautiful soul aren't they. All different. Sandra's house must be busy busy.

Have a wonderful day and prayers for the people who have to leave their homes due to the forest fires and prayers for rain and less winds. What is scary about the fires is the possibility of the highways being closed. Hopefully they will stay open.

have a wonderful afternoon and evening...with lots of good food and rest and company too,

Love, nancy