Tuesday, July 4, 2017


The young boys across the street were both excited about going to day camp.
A real adventure playing games and stuff.

Dad was excited about getting his new I phone 6 a gift from Craig and Leah, in working condition.

While he was waiting for the clerk to return from his bathroom break he went over to the dollar store and bought plastic flowers all very bright and beautiful.  What will the neighbors think?    I want to get some real dirt and some real flowers to mix in with them.

Dad gets his phone done and goes to Home Depot to buy some more long boards for the back yard.  The fellow helps put them in but the back trunk remained open.  Coming home he starts up the hill and hears a big thud as boards start falling out.  He turns into a driveway and stops by a fire hydrant to let the cars behind him go by.  His face is red with embarrassment and the hard work of putting them back.  Another tale of adventure to add to his stories.

I was at home trying to pull a huge weed out of the front garden.  There was just no way it was coming our even after I dug around it.  Dad came to the rescue and the roots were a tangled mess that seemed unending.  

After our morning adventures we sat by the back yard pond and enjoyed the sound of tuning water,

There is something very spiritual about water.  It may be just a little pond or a river or a lake or an ocean but water has the power to calm and soothe the soul.  Water is essential to our health and our well being.

Great religions have created their rituals around water.

Water was at the beginning of our creation story and the last words of scripture:
Let anyone who is thirsty come.
The water of life is a gift of  healing and grace!


Sandra said...

I always worry about things falling out of our trailer when we load it up so much for the dump, I have never noticed if anything ever has.

One more night to go and I hope it is better than last night. Peanut was having tummy troubles so I slept on the couch to be able o let her out often. When I let her out at around 1:00 there was the strong smell of a skunk. Thankfully it was not in the yard as I really did not want to deal with that right now.


beth bennett said...

I do hope Peanut is better to night.

We were always so careful what we fed Haiti as we did not want her to have an upset tummy.

Our skunk does not seem to be around right now and that is fine with me.

Dad is writing in his blog. He needs a rest from sawing and lifting.

I will write later.

Love mom

nancy-Lou said...

I do like my i Phone too, but it is an iPhone 5s. It does all I need it to do. My students and even customers like to text or message. Using the actual phone is something people don't do as often now. Make a phone call.

It sounds like the budgies are having a squabble...better go and see. There are three and they are OK now..just a lot of noise for a minute or two. They like being out in the sun room, where the windows are all open and they can hear all the birds.

Sorry to hear Peanut is not feeling well. It is so hard when the dog you love so much gets old....sending hugs Sandra. My little Maltese went blind overnight and that was so heartbreaking. He was such a brave little fellow. He was a rescue and we had him not quite two years.A sweetheart.

I just gathered together enough art materials to teach a class tomorrow at the summer clubhouse for the cottagers. I have to bring supplies for 12 and that was hard to find. I had to order from a supplier in Winnipeg and it was awfully expensive...I always buy from the USA. Much cheaper even with the high Canadian dollar.

Poor Larry, having the load slip out of the trunk on the way home. You would think that someone would have stopped an given him a hand. Glad he didn't lose anything.

Well I am going to go to bed. Will read for a while. Beth did you read any of the Kate Morton books you got at the library? I am re-reading The Forgotten Garden. Boy the one I thought was a stinker turned out to be very exciting...you just have to wade through the first part. The name is The Secret Keeper. You wouldn't guess how it ends. There are four of her books now. i have one more to read and it is called the House at Riverton.
Let me know if you liked them.

Have a good sleep,

Love Nancy