Friday, June 30, 2017


The work continues to unfold with more and more big rocks coming to light.
This is just the first stage which took a lot of hard effort.
The great thing is that dad had this idea in his head and it is just as he planned it.

Early in the morning we both sat reading.  Dad his paper and me my book.  I had had a walk first thing because you never know just how warm it will be.

The day unfolded naturally as dad and I went visiting to give him a break from his project. I go inside and he sits outside with several residents and one lady who was visiting her mother-in-law.  The amazing thing was dad recognized her as a mother he had  seen on T.V.several years ago.  Her son had been killed at the sky train station coming home from work.  Very tragic.  She did a lot of talking so it was probably good for her. It is hard to see meaningfulness as part of an unfolding plan as she tells her story.  She needs to retell it.  

Is life unfolding as it should?  You meet some one unexpectedly but it feels like it was meant to be.
You see a face on T.V. and hear their tragic story but you do not expect to meet them.

Jesus is our example in the way he loved and lived in complete trust even to the end.

"By being fully human , Jesus became the real presence of God"

This is from the book I am reading about a catholic priest whose faith was shaken by the shameful acts that were done by other priests but even worse those in authority allowed it to continue. He could not believe in the infallibility  that wants to control the behavior of others and yet not live by the rules themselves.  He left and became a writer a husband and a  father.  Language became for him an opening to a world we cannot see.  A story told in the book The Practicing Catholic by James Carroll

"Underneath the flowing robes and vestments are weak and frail human beings just like the rest of us!
Condemning the priesthood to a slavish dishonesty."  He wanted to be a part of something he saw as good but left brokenhearted and disillusioned.  He is still a practicing Catholic aware of the evils within religion.  

Jesus warned that there will be false teachers and they will be judged by their fruitfulness.


Sandra said...

That looks like a very big project. Will there be any garden space or just rocks?

It is nice to see our projects winding down. I am looking forward to a nice long break from doing anything...though I was thinking of twisting Mary's arm to help me paint a bedroom.


beth bennett said...

Yes Sandra a very big project.

A small planter in the corner
more room in the yard.

Today was a slow day but he needs
more wood etc.

You are thinking of painting a bedroom while Mary is here?

Love mom