Monday, June 26, 2017


I find that I have to be more aware of what I am doing and where I am moving and putting things away.  
Early in the morning I sit quietly to let my mind focus on an awareness of the presence of love.

Sunday was a rewarding day with lots of love coming our way.

Leah and Craig and Ophelia come for a visit.

Dad and I make the effort to accept the invitation to Sandra and Randy's.

We are rewarded by hamburgers cooked on the barbecue done with great care.

Then Haiti got to go for a walk with Peanut around the pond across the street.

Just a small area of Sandra's garden.
The shed is all painted and next comes the house.

It was a very warm day spent having happy times with our family aware that we are loved!


Sandra said...

It looks like I did not comment on the weekend, though pretty sure I read everyday. When Randy takes time off on the weekend for us to work on projects we pretty much get going as soon as Peanut has been walked.

Sorry Randy did not say good bye, he actually had fallen asleep upstairs. He was working all day out in the sun and did not take as many breaks as me to jump in the pool.

After I woke him up (he had to stay up late as he is on nightshift today) we got to sit out on the deck as it cooled, enjoying a glass of wine and watching the lovely sunset till the first star just started to twinkle.

It was much to late for me to be up but I know I would not fall asleep with it being light and so warm.

Dad did not get the pick ax thing again. We have to make a point of jumping up as soon as we think of something or we forget, none of us are spring chickens any more after all.


beth bennett said...

Yes Sandra it is very tiring working when it is hot.

Dad and I talked about going in your pool
but feel a little unsure of ourselves.

Dad worked very hard today still working on the
back yard.

Thankful it is a little cooler today.

Love mom

craig decraene said...

Nice pictures, was there a guest photographer in the mix?