Sunday, June 18, 2017


Even on Father's day it rained and it rained.  I cleaned the house but should have cleaned the camera.

                                Even in the rain these brave souls turned out and even helped out.
Mandy took the picture and but Panteli  already left to do his marking of papers.  Missing was Kim who was working and James who was playing baseball in the rain.
I got to play with Ophelia who is adorable and crawls all over he house.  Peanut was afraid of her so kept trying to hide.  She had her face behind the chair but her body was sticking out.

Even though they are not too good I did get a picture of Panteli
I need to learn how to edit!
 It was a great success.

Even Ken joined us by phone.

Rick and Carol both phoned earlier.

Even as I washed the floor earlier, and this tiny cute bug comes hurrying out from the Chesterfield.  
He actually was asked to leave1


Sandra said...

Thank you for having us all...though I really think you had said you wanted to host family functions of your own so I don't think it will be your last.

I forgot to look for a garbage can and there is a little blue bag of Peanut poop at the end of your front walk.

After relaxing a bit I got started on the honey do list so Randy is not overwhelmed.

End then for the life of me know I idea why I could not fall asleep last night, I was still awake when Randy got home just after midnight.


beth bennett said...

Yes I found the pooh bag and delivered it to the park.

I thought maybe some one was meaning mean and trying to tell me something.

But I am always careful to pick up everything.

Mystery solved.

Dad was very happy so that was good.

And the bug did go outside!

Love mom

Steady-as-rain said...

Looks like a jolly group!

Sorry I missed the event. Very likely I will come down for Sandra's event with the grandchildren in mid-July.

Off to New Brunswick soon, which will sort of be the end point of my busy season at work.

Lovely to see Ophelia so energetic and happy.



nancy-Lou said...

Darn it! I wrote a nice screed and pressed the wrong key again and it disappeared. that happens quite often when I type on the desk top computer. I sure do miss my lap top.

What a great party you had at your house Larry and Beth! How nice to have the family over for brunch and for Larry to shop and cook too. good for his helpers as well. I really enjoy seeing the photos of everyone especially Ophelia. she is just such a little doll and growing up quickly.

I put Max and Bella out on their leads and worked in the garden for a while...that is until the mosquitoes chased us in the house. Apparently there are lots of horse flies as well, but there aren't any up on the hill, yet...they are down at the beach chasing all the sunbathers.

Larry does so well, doing all he does with those painful feet. Good for you Larry and good for you Beth, keeping up the walks and all the other activities you do like working in your garden and cutting the grass. How nice of the lady to comment on your garden. It looks so beautiful in the photos...full of mature perennials and shrubs.

Early morning is a special time and I can see why you enjoy it so much. We used to get up early when Carl was in business and the trades usually start at 7am. But now we are lazy and don't get up until 7 or even 8. But I like the evenings now..sitting out on the deck at dusk listening to all the birds even songs. Watching the fireflies zoom and dart about with their lamps flickering off and on.

Carl just called me and the Blue Jays game is starting so I will sign off,

it was another lovely day wasn't it?

Love Nancy