Saturday, June 3, 2017


Happiness is having children come home for a visit,

The time has gone so quickly but plan are already being made for the future.  Carol plans to be back in September and future plans depend on whether they sell their home.  A big decision but the real estate lady is now on the job and people are lined up to see the home.

I am thankful for happy times when life is over flowing with joy but I have to be content to be happy when I feel a little melancholy and sad.  Every emotion has the potential for happiness in different degrees.  Sharing the happiness of others is one of the benefits of family and friends.

Carol seemed happier when she left.  She had missed us all as we did her.

We enjoyed our supper together and then left to watch the hockey.  Dad had just sat down and he dozed off.  He had another busy day shopping and moving heavy bags around.

One of the gifts of old age is knowing happiness comes and goes but we can still be happy with what we have and a life that is shared together.
Happiness is enjoying the view from the balcony.

Happiness is being thankful that Sandra and Randy made it home in their rented car and they were not in an accident.  I think every morning we never know what the day may bring but we face what comes when it happens.

Happiness is hearing that Justice received his card and birthday money even though it was delivered to the wrong address.

Happiness is going o Cultus Lake Water Slides for your birthday!

Happiness comes with contentment and fulfillment that I feel at the end of each day.
I may not have been able to do all I had planned but there is always to-morrow.

I plan to attend church and I expect to feel happy just be being there.

For now happiness is having the cleanest money in town.


nancy-Lou said...

Yes, happiness is fleeing at times, but it just makes the really good times better when they come.
I am so glad Carol had a good visit with family.I hope their home sell and they can proceed with their future. Nice photo of you and Larry with Carol. Did you see her off at the airport?

Are you planning to go to Cutlus lake for your birthday or is this for one of the kids? I think you better watch out if you are going on the waterslide!

Well it is a good thing the money these days is made of plastic or you may have had some shredded bills instead of intact ones.

We had a pretty large black bear saunter through our yard this morning. He was just looking for something to eat and checked out our garbage barrel. We don't keep garbage there just yard waste etc. the garbage is in the shop and we take it to the municipal garbage shed regularly. I hope Mr. Bear is safe and doesn't stray into the cottage area where the campers freak out and demand he is shot.

My skin graft is very itchy today which means it must be healing. the stitches are sticking out and look pretty bad....they must be dissolving. There are some the surgeon will take out when I see him and I think it will be a lot more comfortable then. It is hard not to scratch it in the night time. Even in the day time I have to remind myself NO!

How was church today? Do you have a lay minister until you are assigned a new permanent one? Or an itinerant minister?

Today is another beautiful day and I will get out there and do the last of the planting. I ran out of soil and will have to send Carl to pick some up tomorrow when they are open.

Have a beautiful Sunday Beth and Larry,

Love, Nancy

beth bennett said...

Justice went to the water slides for his birthday with friends and I think Ben.

We have a short term minister until a new one can be found.

Our church has had a lot of changes with ministers over the years.

We are a special group of individuals that pray together and play together.

Off to bed now.

Love Beth