Wednesday, June 7, 2017


My white roses are not doing so well so far this spring.

My purse got left behind when dad and I headed out to White rock to see the doctor.
I must admit I was alarmed when it was no where to be found,  It was found later when I returned home, I realized I left it outside when I went to turn the tap off on the garden hose just as we were going to leave.

The morning goes very quickly after taking Haiti for a walk and meeting Joanne for an update on her comings and goings.  Haiti is a very good listener too.

So I arrive at the doctors without my little list of questions.  The main ones were the test for bone density and getting a form for blood work.

The news about my bones was not good.  No more lifting, well I had just dragged two bags of dirt over to where I am working in the front garden.  No more carrying bags of groceries from the store.  Dr. Nolte got very serious with me which made dad happy.  I am getting a shot to help build up my bones.  Expensive.

As I left I thought I heard a familiar voice and then dad told me he saw Randy go in.  They had both been looking at their phones so did not recognize each other.  Sandra also came when we left.

Too bad about Sandra's car being damaged and the jerk took off and left her behind.

Dad took off to the store after we had had lunch leaving me behind.  I was very happy to be home and have my purse safe near by.

Kim came and walked Haiti before going out to supper.  

Haiti was left behind again.

One day at a time means leaving behind past mistakes and living into  the future.


Sandra said...

Well, I must have just missed you at Dr Noltes as well, I was there for an apointment at 10:40 and left the office about 11:10. I think Randys appointment was at 11:40. That is funny that all 3 of us went in today.

The shots have really helped Randy and his bone density has gone up. He is very good at drinking his milk and eating yogurt and taking his pills as well.

Good that you found your purse where it had been left. I almost left my phone in the rental car when we went to drop it off after the accident.

Sorry I did not call to let you know I was OK. Just a bit of whiplash.


beth bennett said...

I am sure Sandra it would be a big shock as well
as whip lash. How miserable driving a stinky cae
and the wait for your car.

I must go drink some milk now.

Love mom

nancy-Lou said... post as left behind in never never land after I hit the wrong key on the keyboard....will comment on your next blog. i dislike typing on this desktop computer. My hands wander. used to my laptop which is in never never land too.

Love, Nancy

beth bennett said...

I completely understand Nancy.

I certainly hit a lot of wrong keys.

Love beth