Tuesday, June 27, 2017


My dad begins with a walk to the park with Haiti.
Felt very cool but the sun was shining.
It is a much shorter walk.
Dad spent the morning on the computer trying to contact World Vision 
about one of the children we support.

Our plans to drive to West Van. to see Jane did not work out.  She had other plans which included going to the dentist.  Still feeling like a drive we took Haiti home and carried on to the new Mall.  We both find shopping very tiring unless it is Home Depot or Canada Tire.  At least dad does better in these stores.  Not many people shopping you wonder how they make a living.

We wished we were at home when we got a call from Kim who had locked herself out of her car,  She was able to find help and was soon back on the road.  Her extra key is back at our house.

Trying to find out how our world began it seems it could not have been sheer randomness but there was a "cosmological order that reveals the greatness of the mind of the Creator.  There us purpose and meaning that has become clearer with scientific discoveries.  Intelligence and design holding all things together.
Carol"s garden

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