Thursday, June 1, 2017


Yes Haiti is a real family dog, but Kim will always be her favorite.  I enjoy our walks to the park and dad of course likes to tease her about seeing squirrels.

As a child I loved dogs and wanted one with all my heart.  My dad had a great dislike of dogs and even seemed to be afraid of them.  I read all the dog stories in the library  and when we married we bought my little dog called Dusty.  Dusty was run over on a lonely road in Richmond where cars did not travel.  Yes, very dad,

I stopped to say hello to an old fellow at the home and he started to tell me all about his life.  He started talking about his wonderful wife and how he missed her.  In fact he took a whole bunch of pills to try to end his life and his dog would not stop barking at him.  He quickly decided to throw up the pills.  So dogs can and do save lives.

A part of me would love to want a dog.  Honestly I must admit I do not want it deeply and completely enough. I do know that love does take energy and I know I do not have the energy to love any animal.

I know the comfort of being loved just as I am
and have experienced the love of many dogs in the past.

Kim arrived with some spinach soup that I will try soon.

Carol and Panteli dropped by after coming back from Whistler.

Dad and I have done our Thursday shopping at Shoppers.

I seem to be having a bit of inner ear dizziness and nausea so will have a nap.

"Adopt the pace of nature
her secret is patience."
Ralph W. Emerson"


beth bennett said...

Carol said she put a comment on but I do not see it.

Her and Kim are driving to have a visit with Sandra
and then on to Chilliwack to see Tberesa and family.

We would love to come to either or both
but will just make our own plans for today.

Have a fun day all.

love mom

nancy-Lou said...

How sad you couldn't have a dog as a child. they make such great companions for all ages.
Sad too, that your dog was hit by a car. I am so glad that you have the pleasure of Haiti's company part of the time. I am sure she brings you a lot of happiness and enjoyment, especially on the walks.

Max and Bella sure keep me on the go....they love to go for a walk each day and sure love attention. They are really good little dogs, although they too are in their senior years and they will be our last dogs and I hope they live a long time. They will be 10 next January.
We have had 6 dogs over the years...and I had a couple more as a child.

that is quite the story about the fellow who was going to take his life and the dogs persuaded him not too.

Have they looked into a vestibular issue with your inner ear? I have a friend who has that and it is quite debilitating for her. she has balance issues, dizziness and nausea too. She had to go on disability from her work in a law office and now is officially retired at 65.

It is a very hot day and we are not used to it at all. The temperature hasn't been above 20 yet this year. Now it is 33C. it will take some time before we are acclimatized.

How sad for Jane to have to go through all the troubles she has had to bear over the last while. alzhiemers is much more difficult on the caregiver than the person who has it. I do hope she can feel better soon. There isn't a lot one can do for that is there? Just be supportive and there for them, as you are Beth.

My skin graft is very itchy today. today is day 17 and I think the dissoluble stitches are coming out. It is prickly. I know there are stitches that the nurse will take out at the next appointment with the surgeon. June 13th. I worry about the graft because it looks so yellow. but there is no infection...and I read that is a normal colour while healing. It is so large...about an inch and a half square on my nose. looks terrible.

I am pretty upset with the first doctor who did the biopsy. she didn't take enough tissue and it came back as benign, when it was basal cell cancer. so by the time I went through a couple of other doctors, to see the plastic surgeon it had grown quite a bit. I shouldn't have needed a skin graft.

i don't think that first doctor should be doing biopsies. All she is interested in is making money on wealthy women who want botox and other skin things done. they go out of her office with bags of fancy creams etc that cost a fortune. She isn't even a dermatologist, she is an internal medicine doctor.

I am thinking of writing a letter to the College of Physicians. She told me she was a very busy doctor and sent her assistant in to tell me the biopsy was benign.

I bet that spinach soup tastes amazing. i never thought of making it. Does it have cheese? Garlic? I am going to look that up. Kim, you are such a caring granddaughter! I love spinach lightly wilted in a frying pan with garlic, cheese and fresh mushrooms. mmmmmm

Well have a wonderful day. it sounds like there are some plans in the works for the weekend.

Love, Nancy

Sandra said...

Carol and Kim had a nice walk with me and Peanut before heading off to Chilliwack. Randy has gone to work so I will do a bit of puttering in the garden while it is sort of sunny out.


beth bennett said...

Yes Nancy we have found out there is a big difference in skin doctors.

Such a shame when things should e caught early.I do not like it too hot either.

Worked in the garden with dad.
