Tuesday, June 20, 2017


Finally a warm day.

It was another race with time as dad and I set off to see his eye doctor.  We certainly are slower getting ready until the last minute.  The appointment went well and he and the doctor had a time of actually communicating.  In the future if he has eye pain he is to come in right away and she will see him.

We wanted to visit our old friend Doug who is now in Morgan Heights Care Home but we were too early to visit as lunch would not be a good time.  So we had a salad and a hamburger, me the salad and dad the hamburger.  

We went to the wrong place first and then when we got there it was a maze to try and find his room.  He is very content and the staff are amazing and the place is warm and friendly.  Dad plans to go back again and take him out in the car.

Kim dropped by to see us soon after we got home which is always a joy!

She has had an article published in a small magazine and we are very proud of her.  She was disappointed because they edited it.  A good editor can make or break a author's success.

Good writers will always be needed to record and remind us of what really happened and what it can mean for us today. 

History is often in the hands of our writers.

 The Old Testament writers dealt with ugly times of cruelty, incest, violence and unending horror.  They wrote what they witnessed and reading it makes us uncomfortable.  Is today any different or even worse?

They were a people struggling in their search for God whom they saw as harsh and distant.

History is also a story told by art and music and inventors and facts and fiction!

The struggle continues in the writers over the centuries and even today.

My view of God is One who is with me to guide and strengthen me 


Sandra said...

From the looks of that little magazine the stories had to be very compact. Did they edit out parts Kimberly really liked?

We are trying to pick colours for the outside of the house. Randy painted the pool shed the same colour of or old living room but it sure looks different outside than on an inside wall.

It is still so chilly in the morning it is hard to believe that hot weather is on the way. I see the get my eyes examined on friday at the place by you, I will plan on dropping by after.


beth bennett said...

YES they did edit out things she liked
nicer comments.

What time Friday?

I wanted to rewrite what I wrote yesterday
but I guess I won't.

Love mom