Saturday, June 10, 2017


These lovely yellow roses were here when we moved in.
Cool again in the morning then sunny and then a few showers.
Must still be spring.
I did a bit in the garden but had to call on dad to carry the watering can back and forth, not being able to lift makes gardening a joint affair.

Soon it was time for us to go to the funeral at Colebrook.  Our intern minister is a delight as he was able to bring some humor to the service.  It was a service for Ted who had a great sense of humor and the church was full of his friends who had appreciated this about him.  He only came to church for the social activities and it would have been great to get to know him better.

"We are here (on this planet earth) to recognize our goodness and our uniqueness and to remind each other of our preciousness and the miracle of each other."  -Elizabeth K. Ross

Relationships provide wondrous opportunities for growth in our ability to love 

Answered prayers are miracles of God's grace but when we also realize the unanswered prayers are also gifts that reveal deeper strength and amazing courage to over come.

Tonight I am going to take time to gaze at the stars and give thanks for another day of living!

Bring on the showers!


Sandra said...


nancy-Lou said...

Those roses are such a brilliant yellow aren't they Beth? Beautiful. I always have loved the yellow roses, especially the Peace Hybrid Tea Rose. I don't have any roses this year...i should clarify that by saying I do have two shrub roses that have managed to survive out cold winters and they are quite lovely. smaller blooms but tons of them. they are called a Pavement Rose, One is white and one is a dark rose colour.

Well that is not good when you cannot do your gardening and have to rely on Larry to do the heavy work. Those 5 gallon watering cans are quite heavy. Your garden looks lush and lovely Beth.

Now I am going to read your next day's comments and catch up...thank-you for your dedication to your daily blog Beth. I always look forward to it.

Love, nancy