Friday, June 30, 2017


My morning time to read and write in my journal.

The children are all happy and excited because today was the last day of school.  Also in Melbourne but they are only off for two weeks.  It is an exciting time.

I do not know where all the time went today.  It seems to take all morning to water and work in the yard.  Today we went to Shoppers to get the senior's discount.  Our plan was to go in the morning but it was after one before we headed out.  

Sometimes the time can go so fast and others times it drags.

Time runs out for me on a busy day for me.

The next day I am up early as usual do some reading an writing and praying.
Time well spent.

Then it is time to get dirty.
I certainly do that well as I sit on my bum to do my little bit of digging and weeding.
I like to feel the life in the soil and the life in the sky above and the moment of birds
flying so high above me.

Dad is making even bigger plans for his work filling the back yard with his tiles to cover stones and grass.  A very big job but it makes him happy.

Jesus, a man one with the heart of God, was also a man who was one with nature and used examples of dirt and stones and thistles to illustrate his stories.  I think a good story is when you hear something you can relate to and maybe have even feel that you already knew what you just heard.

A peasant who was one with those he taught and stirred their imaginations to see beyond time and space.  God is everywhere.  He can even create man out of the dust of the earth!
A walk and a visit today will be time well spent.


Sandra said...

Today is the one of the hardest for me. I am committed to work from home but the sun is shining and I have a thousand of little jobs waiting to be done. The saving grace is Randy doubled and is sleeping from 8am till 2pm so I have to be quiet and can not be bumping up and down the stairs carrying furniture and toys.

These last few days will fly by and ready or not the first round of visitors will be here, then a week later the rest.


beth bennett said...

Ah the good old days when I could carry furniture up and down stairs.

It is a lot of work getting ready but very exciting too.

Love mom