Thursday, June 8, 2017


I think I need to become like a reporter and write more things especially dates down.
I am a pain to myself as well as others.  Yes, I know we all can be forgetful and I may think I am getting worse but in reality I have always been that way,

Today was a very rainy morning and it is almost like winter is back.  Took Haiti for a good walk and had to towel her down after to dry her off.

Every day in the last several months when I walk over to the clinic I have been telling dad there is a new eye clinic and they take emergency patients.  His eye has been painful and getting worse.  He tried the  office in White Rock yesterday where he goes regularly and they would not fit him in, at least with out asking him some questions that he refuse to answer.  He left.

Today he went to the other eye place on the corner from the Safeway and they could not take him either without doing a full examination.  So he decided to try the place I had told him about.  The doctor was very compassionate and after a few simple tests found some tiny growths on the under side of his eye lid.  They bothered him day and night.  She prescribed some antibiotic drops and he started to feel less pain in an hour.  She sent his doctor a note by e-mail.

He is much happier to-night watching the game.
Haiti is also happy as both Kim and Panteli have come to walk her.
Panteli has stayed to watch the hockey game so that is good too.

I am hopeful that dad's eyes will be healed as he does not need extra pain.

"The voyage of discovery is not in seeking new landscapes but seeing with new eyes!"
M  Proust.


Sandra said...

What did you forget that you are talking about writing things down?

I had something like that with my eye about a week ago, I was going to go to the doctor but then it got better on its own. I thought it might be from all the pollen in the air.

I did not know there was still hockey being played.

And I have had the heat on the last couple of mornings, very chilly in the house.


beth bennett said...

YES Sandra we have had the heat on in the morning too.

I keep asking Kim when she is leaving to visit Hamlet.
I thought it was yesterday but it is today at 2.

There is one more game to be played I think Sunday night.

I thought dad's eye could be pollen related.
Painful again this morning.

Dad has finally made an appointment to see his family doctor June 13.

We can get my shot done at the same time as he does not he can do it.

We have a funeral to-morrow for a good friend's husband to-morrow
I tell dad to remind me.
He has trouble remembering what dad it is.

Not warm enough for us to work in the yard today
so will go to the library instead.

Carol and Panteli's town house looks fabulous on the listing.
Extremely clean and tidy.
Panteli has done a good job.

Hope you can stay home for a few days and heal.Love mom

nancy-Lou said...

I don't think you are a "pain" to others or yourself Beth! It is natural as we age to forget things and I am sure your family are all understanding. In fact I had a forgetful moment too the other day when we started out for the vets with the two dogs and I turned around because the dogs were really bad in the car and the car was making a strange noise,
Well it was a good thing because when i called to cancel the appointment it was for the following day!
So we all do things like that when we are in our 70's. We had a good laugh about it. we decided to take Max to the vet who comes out to her cottage at Victoria Beach on the weekends.

So today is Kim's birthday. what a beautiful girl she is! What is going to happen to her and Haiti when the town house is sold? Where will they go and live?

Sorry to hear that Larry is having pain with his eyes. It would be so annoying. Feel better soon Larry. it is a good thing he can get in soon to see his doctor.

I see the plastic surgeon who did the cancer surgery and skin graft on Tuesday this coming week. The graft is healing quite well but still looks ugly as sin. I am debating whether to take my art to the local farmers market next Saturday....I could put a bandaid over the graft I guess.

Gosh it must be cold at the coast if you and Sandra had to turn on your heat. We had to turn on the airconditioning here. Today is nice a fresh and only 26C with a west wind. Lots of huge rollers coming in on the beaches.

Have you read any of Kate Morton's books? I am currently reading the Secret Keeper. It is getting really good now but started out slowly. It is a mystery that takes place in 1941 and 2001. She also wrote The Distant Hours which I read and enjoyed. The House at Riverton is her third book and I have it and it is next on my reading list.

Have a lovely was another good day, wasn't it?

Love Nancy