Tuesday, January 27, 2015


P1261521Life seems to be one hurdle after another.

And for everyone it can be different.

Dad has successfully put the cabinet in our bathroom.  There was just a plain mirror there when we moved in and we wanted to have a place to put things away.  He worked very hard but he is of course a handy man kind of guy.

Talked to both Ken and Theresa yesterday.  Going to doctors and dentists and studying  and renovating etc. seems to be  very popular things to be doing.

  So dad will have his appointment today at the Cancer Clinic and make a decision of what to do or what not to do.

I think it is important to keep our dreams alive and for me prayer is helpful and a good sense of humor always helps.  I pray that we each will have the courage and strength to overcome any hurdles and always be willing to help others along the way. 
Being a part of a loving family makes all the difference.

I want to work on my memory and my balance and have a sense o well-being.

This what I think is helping dad so I am going to start taking it.


nancy-Lou said...

I hope the news is good for Larry, when he sees his doctor today. Will keep him in my prayers.

Yay....the bathroom cabinet is installed and all is well! It sounds nice with glass. Larry is a man of many talents

May we never lose the ability to have dreams, Beth. Dreams give us hope and something to look forward to. Dreams help us jump over those doggone hurdles.

We were planning on going to Winnipeg tomorrow, but they are predicting periods of snow...so it may have to be Thursday. We used to drive through anything..but are more cautious now.
We had a near death experience on a terrible interstate highway on our last trip home from BC.....believe me after that we are careful! Plus we are in our seventies now.

May today be a great day...one with good news for Larry!

Love, Nancy

beth bennett said...

Thanks Nancy.
We have had bad experiences driving in the snow. One year we drove from Regina to Saskatoon in a blizzard. The worst thing was it scared our parents really bad. We were young but terrified too.

Be careful on your drive to Winnipeg, lots of weather changes at this time of year.

Expecting good news.

love beth

Sandra said...

Not sure if my company posted

Sandra said...
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beth bennett said...

Well Sandra I think it did not.
How is your course going?
Are you learning how to deal with cranky old folks?
Did you know Ken in getting the same dental treatment as you?
I am having trouble writing too.
Sent Mary a thinking of you card,
Is she able to get leave from work? love mom and pop

Anonymous said...

Last day of school holidays today. Thursday is the first day of school. Jasmine excited and a little scared to be going to a big school with no one she knows. I have faith in her . Matthew excited to be starting grade one.

beth bennett said...

A very exiting time for you all.

How are Mathews ears

How is Melina

love mom