Saturday, January 31, 2015


First picture on my morning walk.  Yes it is light when I go now.  I am sleeping in till 6:30, soon the sun will be getting up before me!  A little breakfast and a little prayer and off I go.

Later I take Haiti for a walk to the park.  Lots of dogs there and Haiti loves to play with them all.  Lots of friendly dog owners too.

Lots of places to take pictures.

Sometimes shadows are more interesting that the object that I am trying to capture.

Have you ever been amazed when a shadow comes over where you are walking and you look up expecting a huge winged creature but it is only a normal small bird not a huge eagle.  Shadows can be beautiful but also deceiving.

Dad has another try at grouting the tile in our bathroom downstairs.  He even found some matching paint where a touch up was needed.  He did this at the old place and he is improving.  I may be able to hire him out as a jack of all trades.

I did manage to have a long visit with Gundy and she is doing much better.  She likes to talk and I just listen.  She has some interesting stories to tell.   Dentist that are improper where around in her day and now there is the scandal at the school of dentistry back East.  I am so pleased that the fear that caused a shadow that darkened her mind has now been overcome.

I think I may have to refrain from walking  on my visiting day and save my energy for the afternoon because I think it is important for me to continue on doing this as long as I can.

Dad and I both take B 12 but I will try it at night.

Psalm 91:  I will find rest in the shadow of the Almighty. 


Sandra said...

I love shadows, exspecialy an airplane flying over head. I have been walking a little later this week too and it is kind of nice to see that little glimmer of light on the horizon. Sandra

nancy-Lou said...

Shadows accent the lights....yin and yang. They complement each other and make for interesting shapes, don't they? Nice shadow pics. Beth.

You are fortunate that Larry likes doing work around the house and is capable of doing it. I know many men who never do a thing! Yes, you could hire him our, for sure! One ad running in our local newspaper says, "husband for hire".

You must be a patient listener, Beth. do many older folks like to talk don't they and not many like to listen, as you do.

I sounds as though Gundy had a bad experience with a dentist. I think it was bad enough to have to endure drilling without freezing, but abuse was something I suffered as a child. I was slapped hard, across my face when I was 5 years old. It made my nose bleed. The dentist told my mom that I "BIT" HIM. I remember it, like it was yesterday.For many years I was afraid to go to the dentist.

I am glad that you are able to go for your morning walks and even more glad that you are going when it is light out. Crime is so prevalent these days especially in the early morning hours when it is dark.

In regards to taking B 12, the B vitamins work together as a team and if you take just one, it will "short" you on the others, causing deficiencies. I recommend a good multi B vitamin, one that contains folate or as it is sometimes called folic acid another B vitamin.

Have a good day, with lots of energy for the things you want to do,

Love, Nancy

Anonymous said...

beth bennett said...

That is hard to believe Nancy. A dentist was very cruel to me once with his words and I had a fear of going too.
Gundy's story was funny saying how the girls had to wear high neck tops as they all knew the dentist like to drop tools and search for them down the front of their blouses.
It was good that the girls shared their experiences but no one thought of complaining.
He was called The Fumbler.
Yes we all have our stories.
love Beth

Anonymous said...

We had no rain for the month of January. The ground is like concrete . We have light drizzle falling at the moment. I thought summer was over but next week we get at least another week temps in the mid to upper 30's. Jasmine was so proud yesterday she rode her bike with no training wheels.

beth bennett said...

Yes Ken I remember when you rode your bike all by yourself. Did it have training wheels?
Good for Jasmine.
It rained hard at the tennis match in Melbourne. We saw them trying to mop it up. Dad watched a bit of gold too.
We had a quiet day today.
Enjoy your last bit of summer.
love mom

nancy-Lou said...

oh dear, " the fumbler" is a funny story, isn't it and a sign of how much times have changed. He wouldn't get away with that these days!

Such harsh and harmful words from a dentist...shame on him. Such hurtful words would last a lifetime. It really is traumatic and some never understand it.

My Father was a lawyer and he was going to take it to court....but somewhere along the line the case was settled.
I lost my teeth to dentures at age 28.

Love, Nancy