Sunday, February 1, 2015


Fogy mornings turn into sunny afternoons.   
Saturday was a foggy day.

I am looking to discover :

Discover the new exciting field in brain science, putting it all together to help us recognize how mind, brain and body work together, as well as the energies around us, all essential elements that combine in health and healing. 

Discover the meaning for your life.

Discover that on our walks there may be rocks and dangers.

Discover that each one of us,  of has the responsibility to investigate the uncharted ground upon which we find ourselves. 

Discover that being right is not that important and that in searching for answers there will always be more questions.  Experience all that life demands from you because the search is life-long.  There will be times when what you need most is fun and laughter, or be creative or just  rest  and relax.
Or for Haiti it meant a good brushing and then a bath.
Discover that we all have made wrong choices but keep on the path of exploration.

Discover there is always healing for the past and hope for our future in the unconditional and forgiving and forgetting love of God.   Love yourself.  Remember your achievements. 

Discover the song of the soul that ministers to heart and spirit  with music.

"To love God is to love Like God"  - Phili Gulley


nancy-Lou said... interesting word that invites us to explore and opens up a " world of possibilities".
It was a fortunate day when I discovered you, my friend, Beth and your insightful blog. A daily discovery of what Beth is going to write about today!

It is a beautiful winter day today...cobalt blue skies, trees laden with snow, waiting for me to discover more beauty on my walk. It is too cold to take the dogs...the high is forecast to be -22. I will dress warmly and go.

Have a wonderful day,

Love, Nancy

Anonymous said...

Got up early to watch Canucks game. Then off to work where I can watch the Super Bowl between departures. Cool here today . Jasmine first long day at school today.