Saturday, February 21, 2015


A beautiful warm sunny day
A surprised grandpa with balloons and fancy cakes.
Even balloons at the front door.  Darn it I wish I had taken a picture.
Kim busy in the kitchen fineshing putting together what she had prepare yesterday.
Panteli comes down to see what the noise is all about.  Maybe he was hiding balloons up there!
The house looks amazing and we all had a grand tour.
Tasha, James, Chris, Glen, Cathy and daughter Tavia and Ava.   
I am a lady of leisure just there to enjoy.
                                                          Dad  talks with Ava
Rick beside daughter Leah the pony tale, Theresa and Mikie and Carol
Justice had broken a bone in his hand playing football.
The other children go swimming as we sit out in the room next door.
What a wonderful party thanks to all our family that came to celebrate with us.  Excellent food from appetizers to lasagna and cake.  Thank you all for all you did.

Dad and I have just arrived home and after watching heartbeat we are very tired and very happy.
Dad was thrilled to be surround by a happy, noisy, loving group that we love so very much.

A  PERFECT DAY!  dad and I were given a trip to Ukulele by our four dear children and we will visit Oliver.

The flu Bug caught a few people.
Ron and Donna
Desirae and family


Sandra said...

It was a wonderful party, Kimberly did a great job, and carol and Panteli had the house looking great. Looking forward to digging in the dirt today.

beth bennett said...

I do not know why I am so tired. I have a headache and will not be going to church.

I will write a bit on my blag later but not planning much else.

Yes it was a fun party.

You did a wonderful job with the cake and dad really enjoyed it as did everyone. And that was so sweet of organ to make a gluten free cake too decorated with smarties and all.

Carol and Panteki and Kim were terrific!

love mom

nancy-Lou said...

Wasn't that a party! it seems to me there is a song titled that. It is certainly appropriate for Larry's party.

The cake looks amazing...what a loving gift it take the time to create that masterpiece, Many folks these days just buy one at Costco. It is so much more meaningful that Sandra took the time to make it.
The food looks wonderful and the decorations so nice. Gosh Larry sure must feel loved! ( and you too,, Beth )

Nice pics, captured everyone, I think! Isn't it nice to just sit back and let others do the work! I am sure you have earned it with many years of putting on parties.

OUr days are very quiet this time of kind of feels as though we are on holidays and taking it easy. We will watch the bronze match in the Tournament of Hearts curling at 2pm and then the final game between Manitoba and Alberta at 7pm. Now that we are retired we don't see many used to be so busy here, with Carl's office here and my studio. Sometimes I miss the hustle and bustle.....but glad to be retired!

Beth, I hope you feel better as the day progresses was a big day yesterday and I think you just need to you said you are doing.

Larry, you looked so happy with everything and what a nice gift the "kids" gave you...a trip to Ucluelet. I love it there! Hope to visit one day again. The lighthouse walk is amazing.

Love, Nancy

beth bennett said...

I seemed to have missed Leah and Craig and Mandy and James on this but that is the trouble. We were going to take one big picture but did not.

Quiet days are nice

Love beth

Anonymous said...

Missed out again. Looks like the weather was great.
Cakes looked nice as well. Matthew up with ear ache last night. I called in sick and will take him to DR this morning .

beth bennett said...

I was wondering when I saw Matthew with his bathing cap on.
Does it make you feel any better Ken to know we mostly me, was up many a night with you but it was more the bronchitis and asthma. Very exhausting. Earaches usually respond to medicine quickly so I hope Mathew' does
At least you made an appearance by Skype on Sandra's phone.
Love mom