Saturday, February 14, 2015


P2141663Yes valentine's day snuck up on me but not my romantic husband.

I realized Valentine's Day was coming when the nurse at the dentist's office asked me what I was doing.  Their family is doing chocolate fondue.

Romance is good for the brain!
I admit that I am flying over speed bumps these days because I always seem to be in a hurry to get places on time.  Maybe I am exaggerating a bit but I do seem to be in a hurry.   There are two reasons at least for this.  First I am a lot slower than I used to be.  The second is I can never find my shoes, my purse, my keys etc. when I need them. 
Fortunately I could walk to the dentist without my purse which again disappeared at the last moment.
I have to go back on Tuesday the 17th and Ken will also be at the dentist getting his front teeth pulled.  It hurts even to think about it   
Our plans for an early visit to see Carol and Panteli did not work out until afternoon.  We arrived there hungry as usual and had a bite to eat with Carol, she had hit a  bump when she did not have the ingredients for what she wanted  to bake in her nice warm oven.  I was sure I smell something cooking on our way there.

  Dad showed me all the work he had done and how he has improved by doing it.  It always feels good when you learn or relearn  to do something.

Carol shared the story about the young man raising money for cancer after he has had two brain operations.  Amazing!  Dad shared his experience being in the hospital with a young boy facing an cancer operation filled with fear.  He was able to share a special experience with him sitting looking at the stars on the roof of the hospital on the  last night of his life.

Lots to think about as we drove home through a gray cloud of rain.

"I believe that the heart is the most forceful, impactful element in our lives."  Maya Angelou

I believe that the more we understand what is in our own hearts the more we can connect to others.

Happy Valentines Day.  Be creative, be active, be happy.


nancy-Lou said...

Better not tell Larry about flying over the speed bumps....can be hard on the car. LOL! I can just see you flying along. haha

I am glad that Larry was able to give Carol and Panteli a hand with their electrical things...saved them some money on an electrician...they are expensive!

Those were two touching stories ...both
Carol's and Larry's. Sometimes life is tough. I have an artist friend, actually a jeweller, who has a brain tumour and he is really suffering from the radiation. Poor guy. He is very brave though...but my goodness the pictures of him after the surgery were terrible. He lives in a town in Illinois and many people there have cancer, caused from a plant that used toxic materials. They have a class action suit in the USA supreme court.

Life is just not fair sometimes...young boys dying of cancer...being so like my friend suffering..cancer seems to be everywhere these days.

But then there are good times....which we need to focus on. And be thankful for.

It is too cold to go for a walk today. the high for today is -25. So the dogs will ahve to make do with quick visits to the back yard. I miss the walks very much...hopefully we will be walking regularly soon. Feb looks to be cold for the rest of the month though.

Love, Nancy

beth bennett said...

Thanks Nancy.
Too foggy for a walk this morning. The fog is damp and cold. Dad and I will celebrate going out for breakfast which he loves to do and we will pretend we our on a romantic holiday.
love beth

Sandra said...

Had a quick Skype with Simone this morning, she has a cough and a temperature so not feeling like her usual self.

Randy and I had a nice walk this morning. The birds were chirping and there are camilia and rhododendrons blooming.


Anonymous said...

I worked valentines days morning . The kids , Melina and nonna went to dinner . Finally got to sleep in to day. Although Jasmine kicked me out of bed for snoring and the dog came in because someone was letting off fireworks. I woke in Jasmines bed at 8am. 36c today , Melina is doing a late shift 1400-2100.