Thursday, February 5, 2015


This is the nearest park, about three blocks from our house
where Kim and I walk Haiti.  There are a group of dogs who are there regularly and Haiti has a great time playing.  Haiti is the fastest runner but refuses to chase balls just other dogs.  I did not get a picture of her running which is too bad.

Kim tries very hard to keep Haiti out of our bedrooms as she sheds hair so badly.  The thing is she loves to come in and say good morning to us both.  Dad is usually still sleeping so she goes in and pokes her cold nose onto his.  She also will come and sit by us at our computers so quietly we often do not see her.

Yes dogs bring a lot of joy into our lives as do children and grandchildren.

Looking back I know that my brain was damaged by the many years of undiagnosed celiac, and the stress and worries I had at that time.  Also I suffered a severe blow to my head when I was hit by the force of a powerful shot of a broom ball.  I was knocked to the ground and suffered a headache after.

I have to look at these past experiences and also what has  given  me stress and anxiety today. 

Balance and harmony are important to me now.

I am a young person with a slightly aging brain.  My goad is to slow down my mind and so that my brain will get younger.  There is hope for me; even though I put my clothes on inside out, I forget appointments, or lose my train of thought and I am forgetful; but I have not put the frying pan away in the frig (this is a bad sign) and I know what it is and where it goes.

P2031597I know I need to eat good food and cut back on sweet things and exercise.  I need to get a good nights sleep and take time during the day to relax and think positively Keeping a zest for life even when you do not feel  like it  and be thankful.  This is good for my brain!

"don't let the noise of others opinions drown out your own inner voice."  -Steve Jobs


Sandra said...

Dog's do keep you from feeling alone, that is for sure. I wish Lucy and Peanut could play with other dogs.

Did you see my suggestion yesterday for dads birthday? I will try and call when I am at work today, super busy still catching up.


Steady-as-rain said...

Actually, putting the frying pan in the fridge might not be such a bad idea, if you have room! I usually run out of room in the normal cupboards.



beth bennett said...

Glad I inspired you Rick.

Sandra I go visiting today from 1 till 3.

No I did not see it.

Melina's birthday here.

Love mom

Anonymous said...

Rocky ate our chicken! Getting hot today. Melina not well , she thinks it's a ear infection again.

nancy-Lou said...

Dogs do like companionship don't they? Ours follow me around, if I teach piano they are there, If I paint in the studio they are there! Haiti is a pretty girl. Brushing regularly really helps with all the fur that seems to appear everywhere.

My cat is the worst offender for losing his fur...usually on my bed...where I battle it all night long. Which reminds me...where is that brush?

Stress and anxiety seem to always be a part of our life...I sure wish it would take a vacation and give us time to stop worrying. There always seems to be something. Darn it!

Yes, good food is so important..I eat pretty healthy, but really have to watch the sweets too. Thankfully my sugar is diabetes.

Beth, I think we all have aging brains that make us do silly things....maybe not put the frying pan in the fridge....but forget things which is frustrating. It is just part of aging.

I had all my routine annual physical exam tests done today at our local hospital. I couldn't help but think how fortunate we are to have all this health care at our finger tips and not have to pay for a thing. Well I know we pay indirectly, through our taxes. Could you imagine if we lived in the USA what all that would cost? Blood tests, xrays, heart cardiogram.

Did you do some visiting today? Thursday are you day as teaching piano lessons is my thursday thing.

Have a lovely evening,

Love, Nancy