Monday, February 16, 2015


One reason I go to church is to help me discover deeper insights into the Scriptures.  I know I read my perspective into it when I read the words alone.
We are fortunate to have Helen who is a lay minister and very good at giving us new insights as she now is filling in for our minister.  She took the word touched and transform it into many different parts of the ministry of Jesus.  He actually touched the leper and healed him but warned him not to tell others.  We have always wondered about that.  The word of the healing ministry of Jesus now spread so rapidly that he had to preach outside the boundaries of the town because of these great crowds.
So the leper who had been healed was now excepted back into the community while Jesus now became the outcast who had to minister outside the boundaries.
A new insight for me and for others.

Our prayers are that we may find acceptance and love in our worship and healing from life’s uncertainties as the Spirit touches and makes us new.
I have been reading the book “The Dark side of the Rainbow” which tells the story of a black slave and a white farm owner.  The story based on true life events has given me insight into both sides of the oppressions that where faced by the non-white South Africans and the whites as they faced violence and unrest.

No one is born hating another person because of the colour of his skin, or his background, or religion.
People must learn to hate, and if they can learn to hate they can learn to love, for love comes more naturally to the human heart than the other. – Nelson Mandela

Insights into the past help us find new ways to prepare for our futures knowing change is not easy.


Sandra said...

I am glad that I was not brought up in a society with huge class and race tensions. I wonder how different it will be for the children born now in Canada?

It seems like the gap between the rich and poor is increasing and with a lot more immigrants than before.


Steady-as-rain said...

Maybe the story about Jesus telling the leper not to tell about the healing reflects the fact that the core of the Christian message is not about pagan/heathen/magic miracles?



PS looks like Kenny can no longer convince google he is not a robot. :)

Anonymous said...

Lots of race tensions in Surrey when I grew up . I don't think Canada is immune. Nor Australia. Off to the dentist to get my teeth removed , bit apprehensie ? Yes .

beth bennett said...

Hi Ken,
Let us know how you are when you can. Hope you are not in a lot of pain.

I guess Rick has missed your comments because of the time difference.

Love mom

Anonymous said...

Hi Ken,
Let us know how you are. when you can.
love mom