Wednesday, February 4, 2015


My hair is getting grayer as I struggle to get my computer booted up. I think that is the right word.  I lost a lot of sleep which I know I need to power up my brain.  Yes I am back reading my brain books again.

I realize that I need to feed my brain with every thing I do from eating properly to getting exercise and to learn to stop worrying.
Part of that is learning new thinking skills.

P1311574This is one of the many paintings dad did.  He paints like Toni  Onley.  He also flew with him to a place in the mountains where they spent the day painting.  Toni kept his airplane at the same little airport where dad had his. He was a very likable person who told some great stories.  Dad painted quite a lot of pictures in different places where he had a view of the mountains.

Tuesday I had a good walk and then dad and I went to an early movie:  "The Imitation Game" about breaking the German codes in the 2nd World War.  A fascinating story but I also enjoy the scenes shot at Oxford and at the military base and at the village.  Lots of gray hair there taking in an early afternoon movie.

Came home and supper, very healthy supper was ready in the oven.  We are so blessed.  Carol also stopped by for a visit which makes Haiti get extremely excited.  Later dad watched the hockey and I tried to concentrate on my book explaining why I cannot concentrate.  One reason is I have an old brain but I can boost up the power with good food,  proper sleep, exercise etc.

I may have mild cognitive impairment with a bit of apraxia, this is what affects balance and motor skills.

I also believe in the healing power of love so combined with a healthier lifestyle I will improve.  Keeping young at heart is also important.

"The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even touched-they must be felt with the heart.  -Helen Keller


Sandra said...

It is good to know that I have some control on my brain as it ages. Did you see the post on Facebook that said grandparents who baby sit the grandkids have less brain decline?


Anonymous said...

I was going to comment something insigtful, then I forgot what I was going to say... ha ha

nancy-Lou said...

That grey hair sneaks up on us, doesn't it? One day recently, Carl said to me, "hey your hair is grey"!He just noticed. haha. What a guy. I swear I could dye my hair blue and he probably wouldn't notice.

Larry's painting is really nice...I like the simplicity and limited palette...letting people put their own thoughts in to it, rather than have everything " cut and dried" for us.
Hey Larry, start painting again, please!

It is really cold here...bone chilling cold. We had an early start yesterday, we left at 7am. My son, Mark, took his kitten to the vets for the " little boy" surgery. It was a cold drive and took a long time for all the frost to get off the windows. I always wear my ski pants....that is how cold it is. We had to wait 7 hours so had fun going to the thrift stores and picked up a load of wild birdseed from the wholesalers.
We both "scored" some good finds at the thrift stores. A wonderful day, spent with my son..and his kitty of course, who is just fine.

Our bird feeder is very busy this morning....even the male pileated woodpecker was here, with his red moustache.

I feed them every morning about the same time and they wait for me. The chickadees call out to me..chick a dee dee dee and sometimes ride on my head or in the pail of seeds. We don't have as many nuthatches this winter...last winter there wee many and they were very tame too.

Have a wonderful day, Beth, hope you get another good walk in.

Love, Nancy

Sandra said...

What do you think about lunch at Seasons in the Park restaurant at Queen Elizabeth park for dad's birthday?

Anonymous said...

Hot and sunny , not a cloud in the sky. It usually is on Melina's birthday. I am off to work until 1am so I will miss the dinner. They are going to the Roxburgh hotel smorgasbord. I bought some more chlorine for the pool as we are expecting hot days for the next week.