Tuesday, February 17, 2015


The morning sunrise was so welcoming after the gloomy foggy gray that has been our mornings.  I am the only one up, here to see it.  Dad and I had a day of catching up with friends at church and also with our neighbor Colleen who walks three dog and was collecting  for Heart and Stroke campaign,  This is a good way to also visit neighbors.

Kim had a busy day, Sunday, cleaning, shopping, cooking and soccer.

 She is up and out walking Haiti before I am out the door on  my walk yesterday morning.  I had a better walk.
A little cool and windy but it suppose to warm up to 13 degrees.

Our church would like to conform to the neighborhood but it is now changing with big homes replacing the modest ones.  These are East Indian Homes and although we would welcome any who decide to come their religion is very different from ours and neither can conform to the other. 

We have had community events to try to reach out at least in friendship.  Some with some success!

As I walk up hill slowly I think about our church and the uphill battle we are now facing.  Yes a new minister will come to fill in and there will be changes to conform to his way of living the faith

Dad had a good bike ride enjoying the sunny day.  I had a visit with Gundy and she said I have not come in awhile but we had a good chat.  I do not remember but I like to visit every other week.
Thinking about Ken at the dentist and hope they do a good job and he has pain killers.  I tried to put a comment on but it did not go on yesterday.

Their are days that are difficult and present us with new challenges where ever we are and what ever we are doing.  Now of us has been able to prevent suffering or illness and all of us find strength we did not know we had!

Our world would be boring if our only goal was to conform! 


Sandra said...

Yes, I hope Kenny is feeling ok. A man at our work had his front teeth done and he said it wasn't that bad. It is nice to see the lighting of the darkness as I walk in the morning now. Sandra

nancy-Lou said...

Conformity...well as I tell my students it would be a pretty boring thing if we all painted the same way and liked the same paintings....dare to be different!

Yes, it looked like such a beautiful day at the coast, yesterday. Sandra posted some wonderful pictures of their walk. It was nice to go on a mini tour of the lighthouse walk....took me away from all the "white" here...with lovely russets and greens.Thanks Sandra.

Walking, especially with dogs is a great way to meet people and visit with your neighbours. We don't see many people these days...but it is too cold for most to be out and about. Bella had a long white icy beard yesterday when she came home...I tried to take a pic, but was too late, it was gone.

yes, we do have difficult days too, for whatever reason...but it just makes us stronger in the long run .

my sympathies to Ken, he must be feeling pretty bad today...but the good thing is each day will get better and it will be so worth it in the long run!

I am so glad you have a good walk, Beth...it sets you up for the whole day, doesn't it? I was out already...doing chores, feeding the birds, filling the water bowl and reading the hydro meter. Got booters doing that. Do you remember what booters are?

It is -21 and snowing. Below normal temps for this time of year....but 6 weeks from now should be spring! It's coming.

Wishing you and Larry a wonderful day,

Love, Nancy

Anonymous said...

No I do not know what a booter is.

Been to the dentist and now we are going to drive to Cultus Lake.
such a lovely sunny day.

We are so fortunate not to be having snow storms.

Enjoy feeding all your creatures. Nancy

love Beth

Steady-as-rain said...

Yes, it may be hard for the little Colebrook United Church to survive if the new younger families are of a different cultural and religious background. Maybe the building could be shared with other groups using it for their services as well? A good way to mix and continue a community focus for the property.



nancy-Lou said...

Did you take a different way to Cutlus Lake than #1 highway? We used to see the turn off when we were coming and going from the Island.

A booter is a boot full of snow or water.The snow was about 4 feet deep on the unused side of the house where the hydro meter is. I had two booters ...you have to be sure and empty out your boots before you some in or it becomes two sodden boots.

Talk to you tomorrow,
Love, Nancy

PS did you take some pictures?

Anonymous said...

All they did was saw off my bridge . couple of needles in the roof of my mouth . No worries. In two weeks when I get the surgery to take bone from my chin and graft it to my jaw that will be painful . At least I will be asleep while they do it. I am ok , just cat chew with the new plastic teeth.

beth bennett said...

Being put to sleep is a good way to go through all of that. You will have lots of pain medication. Are you still at working Ken?
How are Mathew's ears?

Rick our church already shares the building with a 7 Day Adventist church on Sat. and a black soul church on Sunday afternoon. Now I think of it dad and I could probably make that on time. A very lively group I hear.

Another sunny day here.

Love mom