Monday, February 9, 2015


My computer is acting up.  Dad took this picture of our happy host and hostess at their home.
Maybe you think this picture is goofy too,  Dad and I snuck in before Randy could lock the door on us.  Ha ha

Dad and I have return home with tummies all full of turkey and all the trimmings.  Carol joined us for a relaxing evening so we were a small group because the turkey was small too.

Even had pumpkin pie dad's favorite.  Strawberries for me my favorite.

Came home and Kim is watching some goofy shows on T.V.

A friend from church dropped by and had a long visit.  I think we are all feeling strange with what happened at church.  We all agree it is for the best and that our minister will be getting counseling from four different areas including a psychiatrist and social worker.  We are hopeful that his mental health will improve.

P2091645This is a picture of Randy's new Hemlock desk and as you can see he is at work already.

We were able to see Stephen and Shawna and Lincoln of Skype.  Both Shawna and Lincoln had red noses from a bad colds..  Lincoln  chasing the cat but did not feel up to doing his goofy dance after waking his parents up early at 4 in the morning.

Another time.

Christmas in Feb. may seem a little goofy but we sure enjoyed every bite.


Steady-as-rain said...

Turkey is pretty good most anytime, as long as there is gravy! And that's not goofy!



Sandra said...

Hmm, I did not really think it was goofy. Needed to have the turkey while we still had wood to burn in the fireplace and it is at least a little bit cold out.

Now that I have my first simple will done I am already thinking of changes I want to make.

I feel better thought that at least we have it started.


beth bennett said...

Yes, I think it is just me feeling a little goofy and unsettled.
Yes, it is time we thought about redoing our ancient will.
Very important.
love mom

nancy-Lou said...

Where's Mickey and Minnie?

The turkey supper makes me want to make one now! That is real " comfort food"!
How fortunate you are to have family nearby who like to cook and invite you over. Good for you, Sandra and Randy.

Through the magic of skype we can feel as though we are in the same room as the ones we are talking to. the advances in technology have been amazing in our lifetime.

The highways are bad again today with a snowy weather system rolling through. I had to cancel an appointment for Max and Bella at the groomers. They are totally overgrown and Bella looks like a sheep with her wooly coat.

I am working on my portfolio for the gallery....will take it in soon. It is a bit of a juggling act because I have paintings hanging in two different restaurants there is framing, pick-up and hang new pieces etc. My friend is going to come over and give me a hand and come with me to the gallery next week. I am so pleased with being accepted at the Birchwood Art Gallery, they are one of the foremost galleries in the city.

Still having to make a decision on putting on a couple of the big craft sales this summer...we need to meet with the executive of the new community club and talk details. We have done it for 20 years.

I hope you have a great day and get out for a good walk. I will take Max and Bella for a walk even though it is snowing.

Love, Nancy

beth bennett said...

No the dogs are named Linus and Peanut,

Lots of work ahead for you Nancy.

Had a nice walk in light rain.

love beth

Anonymous said...

Too hot and tiered to write.