Thursday, February 26, 2015


It is hard to find value in reading scripture that is written way back then when traditions and customs were so different.  As we read we find the key is that transformation needs to be at the heart of Christianity!

Yes there are important truths that do apply to our live
P2151676 here and now.

A good leader is important.

We are living examples of our faith.

It is important to see what we worship and value in our lives.

Learning together with the desire to learn from scripture and from each other makes it worthwhile.

We are all very human and the same problems arise here and now.  To grow in our faith requires honest soul searching as we digest the words of Paul and realize that it is only by the grace of God we will find redemption and freedom.

Paul is writing to the Corinthians who had a reputation in that ancient world as an unruly, hard drinking. sexually promiscuous group of people.  Many of them became believers when they heard Paul's message but they did not immediately change and have impeccable manners and suitable morals.

Paul spent a year and a half there but when he leaves they fall back into their own ways.  His letters are a form of tough love that is firm but affectionate.

We discuss our own experiences growing up within the church and how things are changing in the way the message is being presented today.  It is very important for our church to be united as we go through a difficult time without our minister.

P2151669We had a good turn out at our group which is encouraging.  The girl that led our discussions,  did it for the first time, and it is so rewarding to see how people are growing and becoming more confident and be willing to lead.  She did a great job!

We are a vibrant group alive and faithful to each other and to God.

"A woman is careful with judgment, is courteous, has courage and is much given to kindness, support, and respect for other women."

Being  a woman is hard work

Being an old female may mean we were fortunate not to be hit by a run-a-way truck!"
--Maya Angelou

1 comment:

Sandra said...

I will keep an eye out for any runaway trucks on my walk this morning. More often then not I am the one scairing people when they are just getting into their cars to leave for work.
